14) Japan

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Instead of sleeping, Chan decided to force some food into Felix first and not go sleep on an empty stomach.

"I don't wanna eat eat Chan, I thought you were never gonna force me." Felix said and Chan sighed.

"Well, I take that back, I am gonna force you sometimes." Chan said and tried feeding Felix.

Honestly Felix was still upset about the whole black and white thing. Couldn't Chan have told him, or given him a heads up. Or told him when Felix explained the wedding, Chan could've said something. Chan had a hundred and one different times when he could've changed something, told Felix, but nothing.

Felix ate a few bites and at first, he was fine. Chan was feeding him too since Felix was being a baby. But then, that same sick feeling caught up to him and he ran to the bathroom. After his normal routine, he came out.

"See, this is why I don't eat. If it goes in, it goes in and comes right back out, so what's the point?" Felix said to Chan and then walked away to their bedroom.

"The point is to get your body use to food, even if it comes out." Chan replied but Felix rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone, walking back out and going to the guestroom.

"You're sleeping here?" Chan asked since he followed Felix.

"You don't expect me to sleep in the same bed as you the day we got married, right?" Felix said and sat down.

Honestly, Chan saw that coming. It was going to take time to get use to a lot of things.

"Is this about the black car, and the suit?" Chan suddenly asked leaning against the door frame.

Felix ignored him and lied down facing the other way, but Chan was not having it. So he went and sat on the side Felix was facing and asked again.

"You could've warned me." Felix finally said sitting up.

"I thought Jisung did." Chan replied.

"It was your job, not Jisung's. And he didn't tell me because he knew I'd be pissed." Chan sighed, he knew he went against Felix's wishes for a white wedding, but he didn't think it was such a big deal.

"From day one Felix, I've worn black. You've never seen me in anything else. Second, the car was organised by Taehyung and Jungkook, they wanted to do something for us too. I just forgot to mention it that it should be white. And besides, black is the mafia's color, what were you expecting." Chan explained all the little details.

Okay fine, Tae and Kook organised the car, Felix could live with that. But the suit, Chan could've even told him when he came around yesterday. It was a little petty, but if Felix was signing his life away with a marriage contract, he wanted to do it his way.

"I'm going Japan tomorrow, wanna come with?" Chan said changing the subject when it was clear Felix wasn't going to speak.

"What would I do in Japan?" Felix asked and Chan shrugged.

"I don't know. I mean, we just got married, people would think its a little weird I left you to go on a business trip the day after our wedding." Chan said and Felix didn't really want to go.

"Let them talk then. I'm fine here." Felix said and lied down again, a sign he wanted to sleep, so Chan left him alone.

"Okay, text me if you change your mind. Ill be leaving really early in the morning when you're still asleep." Chan said and closed the door, finally letting Felix have his peace.

Japan didn't seem like a bad idea, he could just ditch Chan and do his own thing. But at the same time, he didn't want to be around Chan for longer than he had to. So he was thinking of spending the day with Jisung.

Primed For Revenge | ChanlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang