17) I Don't Hate You

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Its been a week and everyone was back in South Korea and back to normal routines. The short holiday was fun but now it was back to work I guess.

Felix and Chan had, surprisingly been civil. Actually that was probably because they didn't see each other much.

Felix stayed home most the time and would only go to HQ sometimes, and even then would avoid Chan's office if he could. He would chill at home, do some shopping. He would go out sometimes too since he was a free man, at least that's something good that same out of this marriage.

Chan would leave in the morning when Felix was asleep, and come home late, also when Felix was asleep, 12 or 1am probably. The two didn't hate other or whatever. They just figured that avoiding each other would stop the fights.

And everyone knew how horrible their fights were. They would always end with someone walking out and coming back late at night. Point is, no fights the whole week.

However, today at the penthouse, Chan came home weirdly early and Felix was confused why.

"You're home early." Felix said from his spot on the sofa where he was chilling on his laptop.

"Some guest is coming. They didn't want to meet at my office but at my house." Chan said coming to sit opposite Felix.

"And you don't think that's suspicious." Felix said frowning.

"Obviously it is. But when he walks in here, no one said he was walking back out." Chan replied with a small smirk. Felix scoffed and turned back to his laptop.

And around half an hour later, there was a knock on the door signalling Chan's guest was here. Felix stayed where he was and didn't make a move to open the door.

"You're gonna have to act like my husband by the way baby." Chan mumbled in Felix's ear leaning over the back of the sofa slightly scaring the blue haired boy.

"Dont call me that." Felix said glaring at a smirking Chan who was proud of himself.

Chan opened the door to reveal a man who looked around 30 35 years old. He was shorter than Chan, wore gloves and a trench coat. He looked like some guy you'd see in New York sitting on a bench reading a newspaper.

"Mr Kang, welcome." Chan said greeting the old man.

"Chris, what a nice home you have." The man complimented smiling, but it was a creepy smile.

"This is my husband, Yonbok." Chan introduced and Felix was confused why he was using his Korean name, but nevertheless, Felix greeted back.

"Is there a reason you've decided to come here and not my office. And, what is this about?" Chan asked as they all sat down, Felix sitting very close to Chan.

"Well I wanted this meeting to be private, though your husband is an exception." The man said staring at Felix looking him up and down with hungry eyes.

"And I needed to talk about some weapons you supplied my men with." The man said, still checking Felix out, who felt like gagging by the way.

"Can I kill him?" Felix whispered to Chan.

"Be my guest." Chan said also noticing the stares.

"What was wrong with the weapons?" Chan asked, though he didn't care.

Suddenly before anyone could register what happened, the man abruptly stood and pointed a gun at Felix's head. It was so fast Felix's head was about to spin. Chan stood up with a glare.

"Nothing is wrong with them." The man said with an evil grin.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Chan asked clenching his jaw.

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