Chapter 1 (Revised)

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I was dreaming a peaceful dream of what life would be like if I had a caring pack that would look after me, instead of treating me like trash. I had a pleasant life before the abuse started, I was treated with respect and dignity until the accident with my parents. My parents fought off the rouges, trying to protect their daughter and they gave their lives to protect me. Everyone in the pack except for Skyler turned their backs on me.  I was unfortunately woken up from my dream to encounter an annoying situation.

"Wake up" screamed April, the pack whore. I hope she dies in a black hole just because she is that annoying. It's a wonder how Ace, the alpha's son and pack whore, deals with her; oh wait, he's one too. I wore a white tank top shirt, plaid cover-up, and waist-high shorts. I went down to make breakfast for the worthless pack members who can't do anything that required hard work, so I am required to do their chores. Thank god I have my best friend Skyler to help me. As I was finishing breakfast, I saw that Ace was awake.

"Hey slut, ready for your daily beating," smirked Ace. He slapped, kicked, and threw every insult in the book at me, but I did not flinch because I am used to it by now.

Today is my 18th birthday, the day I'm supposed to find my mate, but let me tell you that I'm not looking forward to it because they will either reject me or accept me but beat the living shit out of me. Everyone is so happy to find their mate, whereas I couldn't care less. I finished my chores and went to see if Skyler was awake, but knowing her, she's probably still asleep. I opened her door to see that she was still asleep. I quietly walked over and leaped on her bed. I straddled her and tickled her. She tried to jump but could not, screaming bloody murder instead. Her room is red and black with fairy lights hanging on the ceiling.

"Okay, Okay," She said, panting. "I'm up!" I jumped off of her and let her get dressed. She changed into a striped skirt with a plain white shirt, a little bit girly than me, but not much. "LET'S GO TO THE HELL WE CALL SCHOOL," yelled Skyler as she marched onwards, leading us out of her room. As we entered school, I smelled the most delicious smell I have ever smelled.

"Skyler," I asked in a daze. "Do you smell that wonderful smell?"

"No, I don't---OOOHHHH, do you think it is your mate?" She wagged her eyebrows suggestively.

"Maybe," I said, ignoring her antics.

"Well, don't just stand there! Go follow that smell, my trusty steed!" I followed the smell, and it led to - Oh no! It's the man whore, my best friend's brother Ace.

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