Chapter 19

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Skyler's POV.~

I woke up thinking about how weird my brother has been, he has been so damn nice, and I am so not use to that. Over the years he was acting like our father and thinking that they are above everyone. Ace treated Dakota like crap because well was the the omega and now I think that the rejection of the two has opened his eyes to the way he was and how wrong is. Since Mom left, our family has been well only one word to describe it, horrible. We had our father that just recently died, he was a jerk and treated everyone like crap, Ace was a huge man-whore and would fuck just about anyone with a vagina. My mom before she left and I were the only nice people and thought that everyone was equal even the omegas. One of the reasons why Kota is my best friend. 


"Mommy why is your bags packed. Are you going on a trip?" Mom had her bags packed and everything that was her is gone and I don't see anything that was hers. "Honey, I am just going somewhere for a while. Don't worry I'll be fine. Just stay true to yourself then you cannot go wrong. Please don't turn out like your father and brother." I watched as she wrote out letters to people and she sealed them and put them in envelopes. She grabbed my hand and lead me outside. She got in the car and said "I'll be back when all things turn around and when dad and brother is not an asshole. She started the engine and drove of.

*flashback over*

I had many good memories of my mom. When she left my brother started bulling the omegas mainly Kota, I broke my heart knowing that she was getting beat by she always had a smile on her face. When she left Ace realized his mistake and Storm really turned into a storm. Everything out in the open was destroyed and when she came back Storm realized that she was no longer her mate and went to find his second mate but still stayed in Ace. I have a feeling that mother will be coming back soon and if she does than I'll just have to ask questions. I walked down to the garden that Kota has created, and everything was simply beautiful. I wish mother was here to see it, she always loved gardens and this is simply magical. I went to the cave and floated thinking of ever thing that happened in my life. I found my handsome mate that will treat me right and not cheat on me. My brother is slowly changing and Dakota came into life. But, there will be war and many people will hurt, and Kota will be leading the war. It is a scary that my best friend will be leading people and other supernaturals into a dangerous war. by knowing her she will put her life last and save someone she never knew. If she dies then i don't know what I will do. Her pack and my pack will be thrown into a balance. Everything will turn terrible because she is suppose to be the Queen of all. 

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