Chapter 2

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The leather seats were so comfortable that Jane didn't want to wake up from her slumber in the car. But, nevertheless, she wrenched her heavy lids open and saw with horror that daylight was coming in through the tinted car windows.

Her stomach dropped to her knees.

"What time is it?" She asked, checking the road they were driving on. It seemed they were still on the highway in a part of LA that she didn't recognize. They must have hit a ton of traffic or taken a detour.

"It's six forty-five," the stranger replied, his voice smooth and dark as he gestured to the clock on the dashboard of the Aston Martin.

"Fuck," Jane cursed in a whisper. "I was supposed to be at the airport at six!" Her phone was dead. Ron was probably trying to call her right now, wondering where she was.

To make things worse, her head felt like a rock. Like she had a bad hangover. She had asked the stranger for water last night because she was feeling dehydrated. That was the last thing she remembered.

Trying to remain calm, she said to the man, "I really can't be late to the airport. I'm meeting someone there."

"Sorry, but I don't think we'll make it to the airport after all."


"I helped you out, now I need you to help me out." He said smoothly. "I'm taking you to my house. I need you to pretend like you know me, and that you and I have been dating for a few months. You'll be provided clothes, meals, and your own room with a butler."

Jane blinked. Have I woken up in the fucking Twilight Zone?

"I cannot believe the absolute absurdity of what you are saying. You are delusional- no, psychopathic. Let me out right now." Jane yanked on the door handle, but of course the child lock was on.

"Listen to me," he commanded. Jane noted that he actually sounded a bit desperate. "If everything goes well, I can pay you more than five times the price of that run-down car of yours. Then you'll never have to see me again. I promise."

"Maybe the fact that we met on the side of the road gave you the wrong idea about me," Jane hissed, "But I'm not a prostitute."

"I'm not asking you to do anything sexual. Just pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my family."

"Do I have a choice?" asked Jane.


Jane became very quiet, then. Almost acceptingly quiet. He had her locked in his vehicle going to an undisclosed location. Her phone was dead. She didn't want to have to resort to this, but the last resource she had was the gun in her bag.

"Alright." She said. Then, she unzipped her backpack, and reached for the gun.

Her hands found nothing.

The stranger gave her a stone-faced side-eye. "Did you think I didn't notice you took a pistol out of your glove compartment?"

Jane glared at him. He must have taken the gun out of her backpack while she was passed out.

"I'll ask for forgiveness when all is paid and done," he rolled his eyes.

"What if I do a crappy job? I'm not an actress."

"I don't need to know anything about you," he clarified. "Starting now, you are an extension of me."

"Who are you, then?"

He sounded very self-important when he said, "Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy International Trading Company. Harvard Business School senior."

Jane had heard of Malfoy Trading. They did business with some of the biggest companies in the world: Coca-Cola, Amazon, Disney. If he was the son of the head of the company, then he was even richer than she initially thought. His condescension and self-righteousness suddenly made a lot more sense.

Jane exhaled. "My name is-"

"I don't want to know your name," Draco interrupted with a snarl. "For this weekend, it'll be.... Anastasia."

Is he just going to make stuff up all weekend? If so, someone will catch on to our farce right away.

"I'm not a good liar," said Jane. "You should consider choosing someone else to be your puppet."

Draco wasn't going to budge. "You know, most girls would be excited at a weekend of being spoiled."

"While being held against their will?"

"Drop the attitude," he gave her a withering glare. "If you're sour all weekend it'll just piss me off. In fact, every time you piss me off, I'm deducting a thousand dollars from your pay."

Jane crossed her arms. "Make it two thousand, asshole."

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