Chapter 29

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A summer thunderstorm was hitting London. Rain pelted the side of the high-rise buildings downtown while thunder rumbled from miles away. It made everything feel like the world was ending.

After less than a couple hours after touching down in England, Draco and Jane were summoned to meet with Lord Voldemort at his temporary headquarters in London. They took the elevator up to the 12th floor, both of them trembling with nerves.

Jane was hiding a gun in her raincoat. Someone had given it to her when she passed them on the street- so fast that Draco didn't even notice- and as they walked away, Jane thought she saw a shock of red hair beneath a brown cap. Ron.

Draco didn't suspect that Jane had any involvement with the stolen drugs. After all, how could she have the power to reroute a plane? A more plausible explanation was a glitch in the airline computers. Or that someone had paid off the pilot. England was Bumblebee territory, and Draco knew that; he just didn't know why they would be targeting him right now. Seeing him in such confusion and anguish made Jane feel terrible. But she was also hyper-focused on eliminating Voldemort once and for all.

They got off the elevator and were led by men in suits to an unmarked room at the end of the hall. The building they were in appeared to at one point be an office building, but was since abandoned. Only half of the lights were on, and walking down the hall felt like walking into an empty void; no people, no furniture, nothing but impending doom.

Voldemort sat behind a large desk. The desk was the only furniture in the room. He did that on purpose so that all of the attention would be on him, and that he would appear above all the other Snake members that were at this meeting. Jane recognized Mr. Malfoy, Dolohov, Crouch, and the woman Nagini; all the other faces she did not have names for. She looked around for him, but Severus Snape was not there.

"Draco..." The boss began, sounding bone chillingly serious.

Draco's jaw tensed. "I know, my lord. I am sorry for my ignorance, and oversight. This should not have happened."

Voldemort scowled. Jane had never seen a hairless man frown before. It was... wrinkly.

"Do not interrupt me." He gestured with a long finger for Mr. Malfoy to come forward. Mr. Malfoy did not hesitate before slapping Draco on the left side of his face. He slapped him so hard that Jane felt the hit all the way down to her knees. She knew better than to make any noise, though, so she kept her lips clamped shut.

"I was actually going to thank you, Draco," Voldemort said. "Although we have lost precious goods, you have succeeded in gaining the attention of the insects I have been trying to squash for years." He turned to an ugly man with patchy hair. "Wormtail. Bring out our little Bumblebee."

Jane knew that if she showed any emotion or reaction at all that it would arouse suspicion. So as they brought out her friend, Cedric Diggory, with a bag tied over his head, she disconnected from reality as far as she could. This is not really happening. This is not really happening.

They forced Cedric to his knees. "This insect was undercover as an airport warehouse worker. He destroyed security camera footage of the Bumblebees sacking our cargo," said Wormtail.

"Where is Bellatrix?" Someone asked. "She would enjoy having a fresh piece of meat to torture."

Both Jane and Draco were stiff and quiet. No one but them knew that Bellatrix's skeleton was at the bottom of the ocean, licked clean by fish.

"He is a spare. We shall kill him to send a message to the Bumblebees."

With one swift movement, Voldemort took out a silver revolver and shot Cedric in the back of the head.

Draco shielded Jane, putting his hand over her eyes so that she did not have to see. But she could still hear the sound of his body hitting the floor.

This was the first time Jane had witnessed someone being shot in the head up close- and it was someone she knew, someone she was friends with. She felt so incredibly empty.

Voldemort called Draco forward. Draco had to remove his hand from Jane's eyes, and when he did, she saw that they left Cedric's body on the floor. They would probably leave him there forever. Jane fought back the urge to throw up.

"Draco, I will give you another chance to prove yourself to become a member of the Snakes."

"I will do anything," Draco replied.

That made Voldemort grin; a horrible, discolored crooked grin. "Your assignment is to assassinate the leader of the Bumblebees, Albus Dumbledore."

No. Jane screamed internally. Horrors upon horrors were stacking up and just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. She needed to end this nightmare soon.

"Of course. I won't let you down," was Draco's answer. Other members were muttering about how it was an impossible task- if Voldemort himself couldn't track down Dumbledore and kill him, how could he expect an inexperienced young man to do it?

Suddenly, Voldemort's black eyes were on Jane. "Come closer."

She didn't want to, but she came forward, and stood next to Draco. She was only ten feet away from Voldemort now. She could take out her gun, and shoot him in his bald fucking head-

"I wish to know more about you. The Snakes are a sort of ... family. And I would like to know just who we are welcoming into our midst," Voldemort said, his voice hissing on every 's'.

"She is one of the most capable women I've ever met," Draco said, "Talented. Smart. Honest. I am lucky to know her."

Jane inhaled a shaky breath. Draco was being more kind to her than what she deserved.

"Where are you from?" Voldemort asked her.

"London," she replied.

Voldemort's half-nose crinkled. "Is that so? You must be happy to be back in your home city, then. Tell me of your family. Do they live here as well?"

"I have no family." Each word was like a stab in her gut. "My parents are dead."

That made Voldemort very interested. "I see. How did they die?"

"A man broke into our house. My mother locked me and her in the bedroom while I heard the sounds of my father being killed. Then, he broke into the room, and killed my mother right in front of me. I survived. But I was left with a mark."

Jane pushed back her bangs to reveal the jagged slash mark on her forehead. As soon as Draco saw it, he frowned, perhaps wondering why she had never shown it to him before.

Voldemort recognized that scar. He smiled while his hand began to snake towards the gun on his desk.

"I always knew we would see each other again. Jane Potter."

Before he reached the gun, Jane fired three shots directly into his heart.

Escape From the Mafia- [DRACO MALFOY FANFICTION]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें