Chapter 12

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Severus Snape was horrible to Jane growing up. As Dumbledore's advisor, he witnessed Jane's upbringing from the ages of 11 to 18. Whenever Snape was around, he criticized everything about Jane; the clothes she wore, the way she swore too much, the fact that she chose to hang out with Ron and his brothers, and he of course criticized what she decided to do after secondary school. Jane had wanted to get a job right away and start making her own money. But Severus demanded she attend university, 'even if I have to fund it myself'.

When Jane got older, she heard a rumor that Snape had despised Jane's father, and been enamored with her mother. That came off to her as incredibly creepy. But it did explain why Snape was so hard on her. And while almost everyone hated him, he never left the Bumblebees.

So seeing Snape here, today, in the middle of Snake territory, had Jane utterly confused. She was wondering if maybe he had switched sides after all. Or maybe Snape had an identical twin. Jane tried hard not to stare at Snape as she and Draco approached.

"Father, this is my girlfriend, Anastasia." Draco introduced Jane to the blond man with the cane. He resembled Draco very much. Jane felt immensely intimidated by him.

Draco's father shook Jane's hand. "Charmed. I am Lucius Malfoy. And this is my advisor, Severus."

Snape nodded curtly at Jane. He acted cold and unfamiliar. But to be honest, that was how he usually behaved.

"What is your last name, my dear?" Lucius asked Jane. His eyes were hungry for information. Jane recalled hearing that Draco's parents had been pestering him to bring home a significant other for a long time- and so whoever this partner was, better be of approvable pedigree.

Draco came up with something on the fly. "Her last name is White."

Jane stifled a snort. Everyone was wearing white today; Draco probably just said the first color he saw.

Lucius replied, "Interesting. I have not heard of that name before. What do your parents do?"

"My parents are dead," said Jane bluntly. Jane noticed how Snape narrowed his eyes ever so slightly. Draco seemed a little taken by surprise, but hid it quickly.

"My apologies," Lucius said graciously. "Allow me to welcome you to our little family." He looked at Draco. Immediately, his tone hardened. "Draco, treat her like a lady."

Draco glowered. "I am."

Suddenly, Lucius's cane was on Draco's chest. Jane saw that the cane was in the shape of a silver snake, with green jewel eyes, its mouth open to show off its fangs.

Lucius's voice was low and commanding. "Don't use that tone with me."

For once, Draco was silent.

Lucius returned his cane to his side. Jane noticed he used it to support the left side of his body- probably from an injury to his left leg.

"Come, Draco, sit with me. I wish to tell you about my trip."

As Draco silently followed his father inside the house, Snape nodded for Jane to follow him away from the crowd. They found privacy between a row of hedges and a utility shed.

In his usual slow, mumbling drawl, he asked, "What the hell did you do to get yourself into this predicament?"

He always knew how to make Jane feel like an idiot in under five seconds.

"I could ask you the same question," Jane shot back. "You know Lucius Malfoy. You're friends with him. Does Dumbledore know about this?"

Snape seemed bored yet furiously angry with her all at the same time. "He was the one who sent me."

Jane understood then. Snape is a double-agent. He's working for both the Bumblebees, and the Snakes.

"Does anyone know your true identity here?" asked Snape.

Jane shook her head. "Good," Snape said. "Keep it that way."

"You're going to help me get out of here, aren't you?" She would hop in his car right now if he asked.

"You are an honored guest here. Any attempt to remove you would draw suspicion, and blow both of our covers."

Jane could feel the wind taken from beneath her sails. Snape had no intent to rescue her at all. "I have to get out of here," Jane's voice started to waver. "Draco kidnapped me. He's already maimed one of his friends, and I'm afraid he might hurt me, too-"

"Draco is the son of their second in command. While he believes he is entitled to do whatever he wants, he is hardly an official member of the Snakes. He has to prove himself before he is given real power within the organization." Snape explained. "Don't worry. I will personally ensure that you remain in one piece."

Jane felt her chest get a little lighter. If she could trust Snape and what he said, Jane would be alright. But still, Jane could not allow herself to relax just yet.

"What do I do if my cover is accidentally blown? What if he finds out who I am?"

Snape looked down at her with cold, dark eyes. "Do everything in your power to make sure that doesn't happen."

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