Chapter 20

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This is where things starts to get spicy ;)


They had lost every single trafficked woman. Draco eventually got so tired of taking Pike's angry phone calls that he threw the phone out the window of the moving car on the way back from the club.

To avoid Draco's temper, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle decided to go to Theo's apartment in the city for the night. When Draco and Jane arrived back at Draco's beach house, Jane marched up the stairs with her heels in her hands, trying to sneak away to bed without having to face Draco's bottomless pit of wrath.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Jane stopped and slowly turned to look down at Draco at the bottom of the stairs.

"Going to my room." Or a room- any room, that wasn't where Draco could question her. She was a terrible liar. As soon as he'd ask her a question, she'd crack like Draco's cell phone on the road.

Draco walked up the stairs, his long legs ascending at a quick pace. "You don't get your own room."

Jane tried to play it off. "Come on. I've been good, haven't I?"

Draco glared at her like he wanted to throw her down the stairs she was standing on. "You disappeared at the exact time five women got loose."

Damn. Well, he's certainly not stupid. Jane didn't know what to say. She had no good excuse. Thankfully, she was saved by Draco's cell phone ringing.

"... I thought you threw your phone out the window."

"I have five phones." Draco snarled, looking at the caller ID. He swore under his breath. "I have to take this. Wait in my room. We're not done with this conversation."

Draco went back downstairs and took the call in the reading room. Waiting in Draco's room for him to come and give her a lecture sounded dreadful. So, Jane crept down the stairs barefoot, and quietly opened the door to the back porch. She kept walking until she hit the beach, and her feet were in the water.

She raised her dress over her head and discarded it somewhere along the way. Then, in the inky black night, she walked into the dark ocean up to her waist.


Jane turned towards the voice that was calling to her. Standing on the shore was the silhouette of a tall, lean man. Draco.

"The fuck are you doing?" He yelled.

"Swimming!" Jane replied. In other words, avoiding him. If she had to, she would just hang out in the ocean until he went to bed.

She heard him mumble a string of expletives as he undid the buttons on his shirt. Then, he shook off his pants.

Before she knew it, Draco was in the water and swimming towards her. She kept trying to put space between them; but he was quickly closing that gap.

Draco took her arm. "Stop running away from me. It makes it look like you've got something to hide."

Jane looked at his face illuminated by moonlight. "I do."

Jane admitted that she was the one who freed the trafficked girls from the club freezer. "You can deduct it from my pay. But to be honest, I thought I was doing you a bit of a favor by getting rid of them. It really seemed like you didn't give a damn about them, anyway."

She saw Draco's eyes glint as he tilted his head back slightly. "You do realize that you just put yourself thousands of dollars in debt to me."

How can he put a price tag on human life so easily? His world was so different from Jane's. The Bumblebees never dealt in human trafficking. They smuggled drugs and money; not people.

"I'm sorry, but I had to do it. Human rights just aren't something I'm alright with messing with," Jane said earnestly. "And I would do it again."

To her surprise, Draco's lips formed a smile. Jane couldn't stop looking at it. "You're honest. I can tell. So far, you haven't lied to me, even once. You're unlike anyone I've ever met before. Jane."

Hearing him say her name made her whole body light with fireworks. "I told you. I'm not an actress."

Beneath the water, his hands found her body. His fingertips traced the outline of her panties before gripping her ass and bringing her closer to him; closer to his mouth. Instinctively, she put her arms around his broad shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist.

She kissed him deeply. Water lapped against their shoulders in the same rhythm as their lips moving against each other's; and Jane's hips pressed against the outside of his boxers, trying to tease out his hardness.

He was as hard as rock in no time. Their clothing was suddenly an annoying barrier, and Jane wanted to feel him in her hand.

Her arm snaked between them and slowly traveled beneath the elastic band of his underwear. When her hand found his dick, his grip on her tightened.

She stroked him. His mouth opened in pleasure and she felt herself smile knowing that he was enjoying her hand. Her grip tightened, and he moaned into her mouth like it was the most exquisite thing he had ever felt.

Suddenly, he stopped her. While holding her secure in the water, his hand slipped underneath the front of her panties.

Jane gasped. Her entire body reacted when his hand found her sensitive spot, and she buried her face in his shoulder while his finger entered her.

"Do you like that?" It was a teasing question that he already knew the answer to, seeing as her fingernails were starting to dig into his back. His finger stroked the inside of her while his palm pressed against her bundle of nerves and it felt so good she could already feel herself orgasming.

"Oh," Jane spoke. "Oh, god."

"Yeah," he breathed in her ear. "Come on."

The ocean made her feel weightless in Draco's arms. He guided her through her peak, his palm pulsing with her as her insides contracted into an explosion, and she clung to him like a starfish. He waited until she relaxed before pulling his finger out.

"I want to fuck you." It wasn't a question. It was a command.

Jane could feel herself closing off. "I don't know. It... it's been a long time. If we do.... I need you to go easy on me." Sex was a big deal to Jane. Draco wouldn't know that, though; nor would he understand. Sex was as common to him as breakfast.

Draco frowned down at her in the pale light. "I don't go easy."

Jane decided it was time to pull away. "If you can't give me what I want, then it isn't going to happen."

She swam back to shore and walked towards the glowing beach house. 

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