Chapter 24

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Now that it was just Jane and Draco alone again in the beach house, Jane was secretly hoping that they would use this time for round two of last night. Unfortunately, as soon as they walked in the front door, they discovered they were not alone.

Jane thought someone had broken in. A wild-haired woman was standing in the kitchen playing with the knives, balancing them between her fingers, and humming to herself. Jane thought she recognized the tune as The Girl from Ipanema.

Before Jane could call the cops, Draco took one look at the woman and said, "Oh, Jesus. What are you doing here, Aunt Bellatrix?"

Jane blinked. This woman was his aunt?

Bellatrix put down the knives and gave him a crooked smile. "Just came from a job in Russia. Thought I'd check in on my nephew." She was wearing a fur-lined coat with a belt around her waist and leather pants and boots. Clothes that were for cold weather.

Draco didn't buy her excuse. "So you just decided to drop in? You and I aren't that close."

The woman seemed too old to be pouting, but she did it anyway. "Alright, fine. I heard from Narcissa about your new little girlfriend and couldn't contain my curiosity. Anastasia, is it?"

Jane stood still as a statue as Bellatrix zeroed in on her. Coming closer, Bellatrix inspected Jane's face closely. Her eyes lingered at Jane's bangs, almost as if she could see the scar on her forehead underneath.

Does she know-?

To Jane's relief, Bellatrix smiled. "Even prettier than Cissy described." Her breath smelled like altoids and cigarettes.

"Are you staying the night here?" Draco asked. His tone made it sound as if he would rather that she didn't.

"Yes, I'm going to stick around for a day or two. I got whisperings of Bumblebees hiding in the bushes."

Jane's heart skipped a beat. Hermione and Cedric.

Draco seemed surprised to hear that. "You're kidding. What are Bumblebees doing in Miami? I thought they knew to stay on their side of the ocean."

Bellatrix picked up a knife and stabbed it into a wood cutting board. "Every now and then they try to sneak back into our territory. We always teach them their lesson."

Jane had to alert Hermione that the Snakes are onto them. Jane had known this woman for less than five minutes but she could already tell she was not someone you wanted hunting you down.

"I'm going to take a shower," Jane said to Draco. "Let's go swimming later."

Draco nodded. Jane excused herself and went upstairs to Draco's bedroom, where she grabbed the earrings from her backpack and went into the attached bathroom.

The sound of the shower would cover the sound of her speaking to Hermione. Jane removed the back of the hexagonal earring where a transmission button was hidden.

She pressed it and began to talk.

"Otter. This is Deer. Over." Otter was Hermione's code name from training. Deer had been Jane's father's code name; but it was passed on to her. Using them now felt like a blast from the past.

It was only a second before Hermione replied. "What's the update?"

Jane crouched low to the floor, making sure the shower was loud enough to cover her voice. "A hitman is in Miami. Her name is Bellatrix, and she's looking for you and Cedric."

"Does she know who you are?"

"I don't think so." She had stared at Jane for a long time. If Bellatrix had somehow known she was Jane Potter, she would have said something. "What about you? Are you in a safe location?"

Escape From the Mafia- [DRACO MALFOY FANFICTION]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz