Chapter 16

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as the weekend comes to an end, Jane finds a reason to stay... -kittyhawk


While Draco met with the head of the Snakes, Jane changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and went to Pansy's room. Pansy was in silk pajamas doing her skin-care routine. Her dog was napping on a pillow, with its own little set of pajamas.

"Well, Daphne's left," Pansy said, applying a bright green face mask to her cheeks. "Since Draco decided to turn Blaise's face into pizza sauce, she had a bit of a nervy b."

"Nervy b?" Jane asked.

"Nervous breakdown."

"Oh. That's too bad," said Jane. Daphne was kinda nice. Now that she was gone, Pansy was the closest thing Jane had to a companion. But it made sense, seeing as Draco hadn't gone a full day without hurting one of his friends. "How come you haven't left, Pansy?"

Pansy continued analyzing her face from every angle in the vanity mirror. "Because Draco's my friend. And I get to see him, like, three times a year since we got to different schools."

Right. Friends, Jane thought. She clearly has a crush on him. "What college do you go to?"

"Stanford Law," Pansy said, making a face of disgust. "It's terrible. I want to kill myself every time a San Francisco hippie says something about the right to free speech. Just one more year until it's over."

Stanford. A big-name school that doesn't seem to mean anything to her. "Well, you shouldn't take your education for granted," Jane said. "You may need your law degree one day."

Pansy plucked an eyebrow hair. "I plan on marrying rich."

"Well, if you ever get divorced, don't you think that law degree would come in handy?"

Pansy whipped around. "Holy shit. That's a good point." Pansy returned to her mirror, and continued, "You know, I've been thinking about what you said about Draco being in the mafia, or whatever- and while you have a lot of compelling evidence, I'm still not convinced. Mafias don't really exist."

Jane couldn't believe how oblivious Pansy was being. "Pansy. He nearly killed someone at dinner, and the restaurant didn't even care."

"His family owns that restaurant. When you're rich, you can get away with anything."

"Money doesn't always mean power." Jane sat on Pansy's bed, allowing her palms to run over the silk sheets. "People need to be afraid. That's how I know Draco's mafia. It's because people are afraid to stand up to him- because he's the son of their second in command."

Pansy stopped what she was doing. Slowly, she turned to Jane with wide eyes. "If his dad is second in command, then who is first?"

Jane leaned forward on her elbows. "They're downstairs, talking to Draco right now."

Pansy began to wipe off her face mask, and grabbed a pair of sunglasses. "Spy mode activated."

Jane and Pansy listened to the conversation in the dining room from the darkened hallway.

"They're talking about you!" Pansy hissed at Jane. Quickly, Jane put a finger to her mouth to tell Pansy to be quiet. The boss of the Snakes would not take kindly to eavesdroppers.

"Draco. You have done well to secure a partner. Time will tell if she is worthy of joining your family."

"Thank you, my lord," replied Draco.

"She is of unknown lineage. But she appears promising," said Mr. Malfoy. "Narcissa and I believe that a steady relationship will help him mature. Once Draco finishes school, he will take on a position in the company, and prove himself worthy of a position within The Snakes."

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