Chapter 3

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Draco drove Jane into the hills of Los Angeles to a gated neighborhood hidden so well that even if you were lost, you would never stumble upon it. The further they went, the more expensive the homes became. Each home had its own gate, cameras, and even security guards.

"What kind of people live here?" Jane asked.

"All of these homes belong to family and friends of my parents. Some of them are empty at the moment. Not everyone lives here year round," Draco replied as they drove past two guards carrying automatic rifles.

Jesus Christ, Jane thought, ogling the guns in the rear-view mirror. Jane had not been to many rich people's homes- in fact, she'd never been to one before at all. But this reeked of crime. Why would they have guards armed to the teeth if they didn't have something to hide?

The car rolled to a stop at an intricate metal gate with a short watchtower. Draco rolled down the window when a guard approached. Jane couldn't take her eyes off of the gun hanging across his chest. As soon as the guard saw Draco's face, the guard waved him forward.

The road led them along the perimeter of a gorgeous lake. Across the water in the distance three mansions stood in a row. They were clean and stylish, but not overly modern like some LA homes tended to be. In fact, Jane could see how they were inspired by British townhouses, with their brick facades, large bay windows and iron terraces. The entire place looked like a utopia if you ignored the uniformed guards with guns.

"Jesus, how many family members do you have?" Jane tried to estimate just how many rooms there would be in all of the houses. "You must have a ton of brothers and sisters."

"No. Just me," he said. "My mother, father and I each have our own house."

Jane's mouth shot open as Draco parked in front of the mansion she presumed was his. Two armed guards were posted at the front door.

Even for a rich family, this amount of security is... extraordinary, Jane thought. All it would take was one guard with good aim to put a stop to any escape she may attempt. So she stayed in her seat while Draco got out of the car.

Draco opened the passenger door, wearing dark shades that hid his eyes from the glare of the 7 AM morning sun coming over the hills.

"The first thing is to get you presentable before you meet anyone. The butler, Dobby, will help you with that." He turned to a short man wearing a black suit standing outside the front door to the mansion in the middle. "Get her ready for brunch with Mother. Fix her hair." He glanced down at her fingers, where she was nervously picking at the cuticle. "And her hands."

Draco's phone started to ring. "I have to take this," he said to Jane. He leaned in for a moment, his face uncomfortably close to hers.

"Don't do anything to call attention to yourself until I see you next."

Draco left to take his call, so Jane followed Dobby into the tall front doors of the mansion and into the air conditioned halls. Jane noticed that although the mansion was decorated nicely with paintings, trophies, and lush furniture that it did not feel homey in the slightest. It actually felt like no one lived here most of the time- which made sense, seeing as Draco was probably away at Harvard for most of the year.

Dobby was a wrinkly, skinny man who seemed too old and kind to be working as a butler for such a horrible man.

"I hope you had a pleasant drive in with the young Mr. Malfoy," Dobby said with a small, humble smile. "How was the traffic?"

"Terrible," Jane mumbled. She was in a bit of a trance from taking in her surroundings. Draco's house had four floors and countless rooms. The lake glittered outside the window. It was like a five-star prison.

Dobby opened a set of double doors and gestured for Jane to enter. "Your private room, Miss."

"Thank you." Her boots squeaked on the polished hardwood floors as she walked around, noting the silky chiffon curtains on the windows, a sleek dark wood dresser and a bed with white linens. Next to the closet was a mirror that stretched to the ceiling. Jane saw her disheveled reflection standing in the beautifully designed room and realized she stuck out like a penguin in Cancun.

"I have prepared some outfits for you to select from." Dobby opened the closet, which could have been its own room, and laid out three sets of clothes on the bed. "But first, let's make you as fresh as a daisy."

Jane considered telling Dobby that she was kidnapped, that she wasn't supposed to be here, and she really had no idea who Draco Malfoy was. But she knew better than to do that. Dobby worked for Draco, after all, and anything she said to him would get reported back to Draco.

So Jane took a shower. She used the toothbrush provided for her, used the razor on her underarms and legs, and even moisturized her entire body.

Dobby blow dried Jane's hair while she wore a fluffy white robe. Another worker trimmed her nails and applied pink polish. Jane had never had a manicure before. In fact, she forgot that girls even did things like this.

"Your contacts, Miss." Dobby offered Jane her contacts case which he must have gotten from her backpack. Jane despised wearing contacts. She only had them as backups.

"Do I have to?" She asked hesitantly.

Dobby gave her a kind look that she knew meant that it wasn't up to him, it was up to Draco, and if this was what he wanted then Jane would wear the god-damn contacts.

The butler and the workers left the room while Jane got dressed. As she looked at herself in the mirror wearing a classy white dress and strappy sandals with her hair falling around her shoulders like ribbons of black silk, she thought that she looked ridiculous. If Ron or Hermione could see her right now, they would laugh their asses off and call her a yuppie. But Jane fit into Draco's polished, elevated world. And that's all that mattered right now.

Maybe it was the high neckline, or cloud of hairspray, but Jane suddenly couldn't breathe- she had to get out. She was alone now. She could run.

Her freshly-painted fingers pulled up on the window lock and pushed for it to open. It didn't want to budge- but eventually, it opened just a crack. But as soon as it was open, an annoying, chirpy alarm began to sound. Jane swore and froze in place. Were machine guns going to come out of the ceiling and shoot her?

Within a minute, Draco burst into her room and caught her standing by the window like a parent catching a guilty child. Draco disarmed the alarm by entering a code on a keypad on the wall.

"I thought I told you not to call attention to yourself," he scolded.

"I didn't know an alarm would go off."

He stepped towards her. "Are you stupid? This is a multi-million dollar house, of course there are alarms on the windows!"

Draco clearly saw Jane as the stupid peasant girl he brought to his castle. He knew she was in need of money from her car, and her clothes, and so he thought that gave him an excuse to talk to her like she was beneath him. I may be poor, but at least I'm not out of touch and spoiled, Jane thought sourly.

"You mean that no one in this house ever wants some fresh air?" Jane emphasized.

"There's air all around you!" Draco yelled, swinging his arm. "Why the hell would you need other air?"

He paused. Noticing Jane's freshened appearance for the first time, his eyes scanned her like a lion spotting prey.

"You look much improved. Good," he said, much calmer. "We are just in time for brunch with my mother."

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