Chapter 6

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Later in the evening, Jane was allowed to leave Draco's mansion for dinner. She had absolutely no say in what she wore. The butler, Dobby, picked it out for her.

As it turned out, Dobby made an excellent selection: Draco could hardly take his eyes off of Jane, nor could anyone else for that matter. While everyone else wore black, gray, and green, Jane stood out in a silky red dress. Jane had never worn a fancy dress like this before other than for her secondary school formal. Ron was her date. She's pretty sure her dress was from the discount rack.

Dinner was not really a dinner so much as it was a party at Narcissa's mansion. Family and friends of the Malfoys mingled in a smoky room while staff brought around trays of finger food. Jane was starving. Draco kept her tethered to his side- a hand on her waist, an arm around her shoulders- but any chance she got, she was chasing after the trays of grilled shrimp.

Jane was already suspicious that the Malfoys may be criminals, and tonight, she was positively certain.

The longer Jane looked, the more people she saw doing cocaine- including Draco's mother, Narcissa, who was surrounded by guards, and yet still alone, sniffing cocaine with a dainty little spoon. Where is her husband, Draco's father?

Cocaine was very illegal. Having this much in one room was a red flag for organized crime. Jane was already thinking of the story she would write when she got out of this place and exposed the Malfoy Company for distribution of illegal substances.

"Do you want some, Anastasia?" Pansy asked, offering up a reflective tray striped with lines of white powder.

"No thank you." She passed the tray to Draco, who put it down in front of Goyle. Jane noticed that Draco was not getting high. Perhaps he was afraid if he let his guard down, Jane would try to run. Well, then he would be right.

Draco placed a hand on Jane's back. "Come outside with me. I need a cigarette."

Draco took Jane just outside the dining room to the porch- like a dog on a leash, she went where he commanded. But that didn't mean she had to subject herself to drug use just to blend in.

She crossed her arms and stood her ground. "I don't do drugs."

Draco held a cigarette between his pointer and middle finger as he leaned on the stone railing of the balcony. "You don't have to. But you look awkward and out of place with nothing in your hands." Draco made eye contact with a server and gestured for him to come over.

With the server ready, Draco said, "Name your drink of choice."

"I don't really want to drink ton-"

"Name your drink." His eyes of steel cut her to the bone.

She wasn't a big drinker. But if she had to pick, she guessed she would choose: "....Whiskey."

She had a cold glass of whiskey in her hands within a minute. Jane drank it all in one go.

"Atta girl." He snuffed out the cigarette and went inside. "I'll get you another."

She didn't want to admit it, but the whiskey was delicious. She drank the next one a little slower. It soothed her nerves. Finally, Jane felt like she was starting to blend in, and even have a bit of fun. Draco's friends were actually not bad to be around either. Zabini was extremely charismatic, Crabbe and Goyle got on Draco's nerves in a playful, bantering way, and Pansy had a mouth that never stopped talking, which was likely due to the coke and drinks Daphne kept sneaking her.

As the seven o'clock dinner bled into midnight, Jane found herself with enough confidence to sit down at a poker table and play a few hands. Ron's brothers loved poker; especially Charlie. Charlie taught Jane to play, and was nice enough to let her win most of the time, even though Charlie was really, really good.

Now Jane realized she was better at poker than she thought. Hand after hand, she won mountains of chips, sweeping the pockets of Draco's friends. Jane sipped her fourth glass of whiskey triumphantly as one by one they all folded, and Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini lost their chips to her. Jane was having fun as long as she didn't think too long about all the fucking money that they were playing for.

She expected Draco to be a sore loser- but instead, he looked at her win every hand with a sort of surprised fascination, like he had no idea she possessed such talent and wanted to see just how far her luck went.

The next hand was another victory for Jane: a royal flush. The round ended with an abrupt fist slamming onto the table.

Across the circular table, Goyle was red-faced and pissed. "Are you fucking kidding me? Who is this bitch? I just lost five thou-"

He didn't even finish his sentence before Draco smashed Goyle's face into the green felt table. Jane had to contain a gasp. She wasn't surprised that someone's feelings got hurt over the game, but she was surprised that it was turning into physical assault. Physical assault for her sake.

Everyone was quiet when Draco said to Goyle: "You'll lose a lot more than just money tonight if you talk to my girlfriend that way again."

"I won't. I won't." Goyle promised.

Draco let go of Goyle's head. Jane could feel everyone else exhale in relief when Draco took his seat.

It was quiet for a moment. Then, Jane couldn't believe it, but Goyle opened his mouth again.

"All I'm saying is that she's being a smug little bitch about it."

Crabbe and Zabini were a blur of motion as they pinned Goyle's arms to the table. Jane didn't know what was happening until she saw Draco take out a switchblade from his pocket.

He cannot be serious, Jane thought with horror. He's just trying to scare him, he's not really going to use that knife!

To her horror, Draco wasn't bluffing.

Draco cut right through Goyle's left pinky finger just below the knuckle. Red blood shot out onto the green table instantly. The hardest part was hearing Goyle scream.

Jane turned her head away to keep from throwing up. Her eyes landed on Narcissa, who was watching it all from across the room, unblinking and unphased.

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