Chapter 35

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In less than 24 hours, the Bumblebees suffered two losses: Cedric Diggory, the undercover agent, and Albus Dumbledore, their leader. Everyone was gathered at the London townhouse to mourn. Jane couldn't stand to be around it all. Not when it was all her fault.

And Charlie- her ex-boyfriend had tried to assassinate Draco. If she could even call Charlie an ex-boyfriend. She had nearly scratched his eyes out when she saw him. "It was for your protection," he had said. "He's a Snake!"

"I don't want your protection!" Jane had screeched while being restrained by Hermione and Ron. It had been a big scene. Jane was slightly embarrassed by her meltdown, now. But if Draco hadn't been shot, Jane would not have been at Dumbledore's office when Snape killed him.

Jane had so much anger that she almost felt numb. Anger at Charlie, and now anger at Snape, and also anger at herself.

She hid away in one of the upstairs bedrooms just figuring out what to do next. A part of her wanted to book a flight to somewhere far, far away, where there were no Snakes, and no Bumblebees. Antarctica sounded like a good option. But then there was another part of her that wanted to be the kind of person her father dreamed she would become.

Maybe one day she will be running this whole thing.

Before she left the Bumblebees, it had been common knowledge that Dumbledore had been grooming Jane to take over his job when he died. Jane had never thought Dumbledore would actually die, though; he always seemed invincible. But now the day had come where he was gone and someone would have to step up. Lupin, or McGonagall would be an obvious choice.

But- if she were in charge- she could do things her way.

Someone was knocking at the door.

"Go away," Jane commanded. She needed time to think. She didn't want Lupin, or Hagrid coming in to give their condolences.

Hermione burst in with Ron right behind her. "Oh, for Christ's sake. Don't be so stubborn!"

Jane's mouth hung open, an objection on the tip of her tongue as Ron and Hermione marched in and sat at the foot of her bed.

"We're worried about you, Jane," Ron declared.

Jane sighed. "Look, Lupin's already talked to me about staying for Dumbledore's funeral. So don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

Hermione and Ron exchanged relieved glances.

Jane muttered, "Let me guess. Everyone downstairs is trying to figure out who is going to replace Dumbledore, right?"

"It's like a game of musical chairs down there," Ron's blue eyes were huge. "First everyone was saying McGonagall, but then Lupin has some supporters, of course. Even my dad's name's been thrown around once or twice!"

"What they really want is for what Dumbledore would have wanted. They want you." Hermione looked intently at Jane.

Jane scoffed. "That's not true. And even if it was, it just wouldn't make sense. I'm only 21. I was gone for the past year. I fucked the enemy, and Cedric and Dumbledore are dead because of me-"

"Stop," Hermione commanded, shaking Jane's shoulders like she needed to wake up from some bad dream. "Cedric is dead because of his job. Dumbledore is dead because he trusted Snape. You were meant to do this! Your whole life has been training you for this."

"Maybe not the sex part," Ron grumbled.

Jane was grateful for her friends and what they were trying to do. It was nice to know that at least two people were on her side. Possibly even more people were on her side downstairs, but she wouldn't know unless she went down there and faced the music.

"I haven't been a good friend to you two. And even after I ran, you guys were still there for me." Jane looked at Hermione, and then at Ron. "Ron, you kept talking to me even though you knew you weren't supposed to. And Hermione, you saved my ass when I was in some deep shit in Miami. So I'm done walking away. I'm going to stay and fight. I don't know if I want to be a leader- I think... I think I need more time to figure that out. But I do know that I want to kill Voldemort once and for all."

Her friends' eyes sparkled. "We've got our Jane back," said Ron.

"No," Hermione smiled. "She's different now. She crashed and burned. And now she's rising from the ashes like a goddamn phoenix."

Crashed and burned was a bit much. "You're being dramatic," Jane hid a smile with the sleeve of her jacket. "So will you guys help me?"

"Of course. We love you, Jane. And also we don't want you to die trying to kill You-Know-Who alone," Hermione said with honeyed bluntness.

Ron's eyes shifted nervously. "No, instead we'll all die doing it together."

Each of them cracked up with laughter. It felt so good to be with her people again. Her father was right: she will always be loved, and she will always have a place. All she needed to do was just accept help from the people who loved her.

Together, they came up with a plan to kill Voldemort, and started making their preparations. 

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