Chapter 31

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Hagrid brought Jane to a Bumblebees hideout, a brick townhouse in downtown London. She'd been there a few times before but never knew who the house belonged to. It was simply a gathering place. Old, beautiful, with countless rooms and antique wallpaper, it was clearly owned and loved by someone at one point. Jane had heard a rumor that the home was technically hers, passed down to her from a friend of her parents, but she didn't know what she would do with a house that big. So it was used as a gathering place for the time being.

Hermione and Ron gave her a hug as soon as she walked in the door. It didn't matter that Jane was soaking wet from rain; she hugged them back, each of her arms going around each of them. She remembered them saying something about how happy they were that she made it back alive. Jane had no words until she finally saw the gray-haired man in a long coat and thick spectacles.

She greeted Dumbledore with tears. He wrapped the long sleeve of his coat around her, and it was then that Jane's tears began to flow like the rain outside. "We lost Cedric. He's dead."

"Have tea and settle. We shall mourn Cedric together."

After Jane changed into dry clothes, and switched out her contact lenses for her old glasses, she hid away in the kitchen where Hermione and Ron were boiling some water for tea. The kitchen was dim, and quiet, while the dining room across the hall was vibrating with life and conversations. Lupin, McGonagall, and countless other members of the Bumblebees were gathered at the house to welcome Jane back and celebrate the completed mission, as well as toast to Cedric's memory. More and more people were arriving every minute.

Eventually, Fred and George found Jane in her hiding spot. "That cocaine heist was legendary. Every one of us will be set for life thanks to you, Jane," said Fred.

"Mum and Dad will lose their trousers when they hear that you're back," added George. He had grown his hair long to hide his missing ear.

"This doesn't mean that I'm back," Jane said.

Ron handed her a cup of tea. "Jane, you're tired. You don't know what you're saying."

Jane suddenly felt like the tea in her hands was made of white-hot flames. She put the cup down on the counter with more force than she meant to. "The Snakes will be looking for me. It's for the best if I leave."

Before Ron and Hermione could chime in with their chorus of protests, Dumbledore stood in the threshold of the hallway, and everything was quiet as he made his announcement.

"Voldemort is not dead," he announced.

A hush fell over the house. This was typical of Dumbledore to know things that others didn't. Somehow, he was omniscient, all-knowing, and all powerful; the closest thing Jane had to God.

Jane recalled Severus Snape, the double-agent, working for both The Snakes and The Bumblebees. He had probably called and updated Dumbledore only moments ago.

Jane's teeth clenched. She had shot Voldemort point-blank in the heart. There was no way he could have survived, unless-

"A bullet-proof vest?" Jane asked, to which Dumbledore nodded. She could feel the entire house groan. Cedric had died tonight, and Jane stood by and watched, just so that she could get the perfect shot. She had let herself get attached to Draco and then broken his heart for this. It was all for nothing.

Jane looked at Hermione. "I need a gun and a car."

"What? Jane, you aren't seriously leaving right now, are you?"

"I have no choice. I have to finish the job."

Lupin came into the kitchen. "Jane, I know you want to make things even. Believe me, I know. But your parents wouldn't want you putting yourself in danger again."

Escape From the Mafia- [DRACO MALFOY FANFICTION]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz