Chapter 36

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The time has come for Jane and her friends to infiltrate Voldemort's hideout and eliminate him for good.

Hermione was able to track Snake members to one central location the next night: and it was a safe assumption that where there were baby snakes, they would find the King Cobra. Without alerting everyone else, they convinced Hagrid to drop them off on the roof of a strip club called The Venom Lounge. This was a covert mission with just Hermione, Ron, and Jane. They were armed to the teeth and ready to spill blood.

"Thanks, Hagrid!" Jane yelled over the roar of helicopter blades.

"Will ye need a pickup?" asked Hagrid. He seemed concerned. He would probably tattle to McGonagall as soon as he dropped them off, but Jane didn't care.

"We'll find our own way out," Jane said. Hagrid released the ladder.

Hermione went first down the ladder, followed by Jane. Ron went last, shaking the whole way down. A misty rain covered their black stealth gear with water droplets. The red and blue neon sign illuminated the water drops and made them look like falling embers.

"Maybe we should have brought Charlie," Ron suggested. His hands nervously traced the outside of his gun belt, feeling to make sure each gun was still there. Ron was an errand boy. While he was trained in how to shoot, and was pretty damned decent, he was never sent on dangerous missions.

"Ron, stop second guessing yourself. We're on the roof. We're going in." Hermione reassured him. Hermione had balls. She tended to stay on the intelligence side of missions, but what she lacked in firepower she made up with courage.

"This is a good team. I trust you guys. There's no one else I'd want to be here with." Jane said. No one else- except Draco. She nodded to the door. "Let's go."

With their guns in hand, they entered the stairwell of the building. Hermione had studied the blueprints and knew there was a VIP room on the second floor. The walls shook with thumping music that got louder the further down they went.

Hermione stopped them just as they got to the second floor. "Cameras," Hermione said, nodding to a surveillance camera in the upper right corner of the second floor hallway. "I did my best to get them offline, but they could have bypassed that by now. Once we walk past, they could find out that we're here."

Ron pointed at the far end of the hall. "I think they already know."

The beautiful woman who was always at Voldemort's side was strutting down the hallway towards them, every step of her high-heeled boots landing with the beat of the music. She looked like a runway model. A terrifying, crossbow-wielding runway model.

"What the fuck-" Jane gasped, not finishing her sentence before a barbed arrow flew inches away from her face. The three of them crouched into defensive positions and began to shoot.

Nagini was as dexterous as a leaf blowing through the wind. It was incredible how easily she dodged a dozen bullets- then again, Jane and her friends weren't exactly sharp shooters.

There was a pause as everyone reloaded. "Fuck... fuck..." Ron hissed as he fumbled with the bullets. A barbed arrow landed inches away from his shin. "Fuck! Fuck!" He hurried.

"Jane, you should go," Hermione urged. "We'll cover you."

Hermione was telling Jane to leave them behind. "No," Jane objected, even though she knew that was a good plan. A realistic plan.

"This was always your mission. So go!" Hermione nudged Jane forward with her elbow, and then got up and began shooting again.

Jane got up and followed Hermione. Hermione landed a shot on Nagini's arm, which made the stern-faced woman wince, and stagger for just long enough for Jane to slip by. She heard the sound of the crossbow hitting the floor. When it landed, it fired one last shot- the final arrow flew by Jane's head and stuck into the wall that she had just been in front of.

Jane was around the corner and out of range, panting, but not taking a moment to rest. If the Snakes already knew she was here, then she would have to move fast.

Where would the VIP area be? Jane's ears were bombarded with the thumping music that permeated every inch of the floor and walls. The lighting turned fluorescent red as she set foot on a walkway that overlooked the dancefloor. Down below, she saw women in lingerie and heels dancing on illuminated tiles that changed color. Groups of men gathered around stripper poles and tossed money at the girls like it didn't even mean anything.


Two men in suits spotted Jane from the other end of the walkway. She waited until they were in arm's reach and then hit the first one in the head with the butt of her handgun. The second man was trickier. His knife was out. Knives seem to be the favorite weapon of the Snakes.

Her boot soared into the groin of the second man. He went down like a tree. She stomped on his hand, making him release the knife, which she kicked off of the balcony and onto the dancefloor. Oops.

Jane noticed that the two guards had been standing post outside of a red door. That must be it, Jane realized.

She pressed her shoulder against the door and tested the handle. It was locked.

On the wall was a security panel where you could input a number code. She took a step back and fired at the security panel- the sound of her gunshot was damn near drowned out by the music. With the door now unlocked, Jane pressed her shoulder against it and entered with her weapon drawn and ready.

She stepped into the room illuminated by a ghostly white light. It appeared to be a luxurious office space, with tile floors and glossy black windows tinted so no one could see in, and no one could see out. Her attention immediately zeroed in on the bald man standing in the center of the room with a gun in his hand, pointed right at Draco's head.

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