Chapter 27

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The next couple of days flew by in a blur. Jane had fully embraced her new role as Draco's not-so-fake girlfriend, and accepted that she was now by his side willingly. He now called her his girlfriend even when they were alone. The sex was wild, and frequent, and while he had her pushed up against the glass windows he'd call her sweetheart, honey, princess.

He had accidentally called her Jane at dinner one night. But everyone was so drunk, and the music was so loud, that no one paid much mind.

Jane was in this bubble of infatuation. When Draco was around, it was like everyone else was blurred, invisible, unimportant, and all she could focus on was Draco, like a horse wearing blinders. But it wasn't just his face and body that she liked; Draco actually had many other qualities that she admired. She liked the way that he could address a room with confidence, the way he could communicate with her by just giving her a look, the way that he was actually very skilled at what he did. He could draw his gun in the blink of an eye. He went to the boxing gym every other day and kept that routine with discipline. And he was always on the phone, giving orders, making deals. Occasionally he'd ask Jane what she thought. He took her advice often, and then rewarded her with mind-blowing sex afterwards. Draco was a force of a human being. And Jane was running with the bulls.

It was Saturday morning, now a full week since Draco and Jane had met. She was eating breakfast at the beach house dining table in one of his oversized dark blue button-ups and a knee-length cashmere skirt. Pansy and Theo had joined her this morning briefly. They were going to catch a plane to Paris later.

While Pansy was chatting Theo's ear off about returning to Stanford in the fall, and how he could visit her in-between filming seasons of his show, the front door opened. Jane's heart just about flew out of her chest when she saw Draco striding in.

"Where have you been?" Pansy demanded. "Theo and I have to get on a plane in like thirty minutes! We've been waiting to say goodbye to you!"

"If you spend your time waiting around for me, you'll find yourself waiting a very long time." Draco came over to Jane to put a hand on her shoulder and sipped some of her coffee. Jane noticed he had a bandage wrapped around his left wrist.

"What's that?" asked Jane, feeling a pit form in her stomach.

Theo and Pansy looked at Draco's arm. "That's a tattoo!" Theo nearly shot out of his chair. "Draco- did you- I mean, it's official?"

Jane didn't know what Theo was referring to. What was official? Draco said, "No. The boss hasn't made me a member just yet."

"What are you two going on about?" Pansy asked, annoyed. "Anastasia and I are out of the loop, here."

Theo turned to his lover. "Well, you see, there's an important man that Draco and I work for. If he really, really likes you, he will turn you into a made man."

"An associate," Draco corrected.

"Same thing," Theo gestured to his left forearm. "And to mark his men, they all get a matching tattoo right here."

Jane furrowed her brows. "What of?"

"A snake, of course," said Theo, pretending to bite Pansy on her arm, making her laugh.

Jane thought that a tattoo was stupid. One of the most important things about being a criminal is being hard to identify. Matching tattoos would make it obvious to any policeman who saw their arms. Apparently, The Snakes were so powerful that they weren't worried about that.

"You didn't get one of those, did you?" Jane asked Draco. "What did you get, then?"

Everyone watched with undivided attention as Draco unwrapped his wrist and revealed the tattoo. When Jane saw it, she nearly convinced herself that her contact lenses weren't working correctly.

"It's a... J?" Pansy said, exchanging confused looks with Theo.

Draco looked at Jane. "It's for my girlfriend."

Pansy was still confused. "Um, her name isn't Janastasia. What the hell. How are you this stupid?" Theo was doubling over with laughter, wheezing, "It's- not- even the right letter! Bahahaha!"

Draco came up with a new lie and said that Anastasia was her middle name, but that her first name was Jane, and that he would be calling her that from now on. Jane was too stunned by the tattoo to object.

"I can't believe you got a tattoo for me," she said, wide eyed. She felt like she was going to pass out. What the hell did this mean? That tattoo was permanent. Would they have to get married now?

"Your first relationship and you got tatted up for her," Theo laughed. "Man, you've fucking changed."

Draco whacked Theo on the side of the head, not too hard, but still firm enough to make Theo shut up. "Quit laughing. I need to speak with you. We think we've found the plane we're going to use."

They went into the other room to chat about the cocaine scheme, which was to be executed on Monday. Pansy was looking at Jane, her lips tightened into a line.

"Wow. A tattoo," Pansy said, sounding surprised. "I didn't realize you guys were that serious."

"Neither did I," replied Jane.

Pansy put down her cup of tea. "Are you in love with him?" She asked bluntly.

Jane didn't know what to say. "I... I...." the words were lost on her tongue. The answer used to be no. But her feelings about him had changed. Could she be honest with Pansy, and tell her that she really was falling in love with him?

Pansy didn't like Jane's hesitance. Her eyes turned colder, and her usual playful tone was gone. "I've known Draco for a long time. Since we were eleven, in boarding school. He and I are both only children, so I think of him kind of like a brother. He has anger issues, and I get on his nerves, but I care about him. I've gotten to know you, too, this past week, and think you could be a really good influence on him. But I don't really know who you are. Jane." She tested out the name. "And I'm leaving today, so I wanted to make one thing clear before I go. I don't want anyone around Draco who's a gold digger. Got it?"

Jane remained perfectly still and serious. "I'm not after his money."

Pansy sipped her tea. "Good. Because Draco doesn't tell, he shows. And getting a tattoo is I think the biggest 'I love you' anyone can expect from him."

Jane blinked. If Pansy really meant what she said, that would mean that Draco... was in love with Jane. "I....I'm glad I got to meet you, Pansy."

Pansy smiled, and her cheerful nature was back again, like the sun after a storm. "I hope you stick around. You could be a really good influence on Draco, you know. And you and I are going to be good friends."

That made Jane smile. "Are you going to stay in law school?"

"Of course," Pansy grinned. "Someone's going to have to have your back while you and Draco do illegal shit. I got you."

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