Chapter 23

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Pansy was winning at tennis.

Jane was distracted this morning thinking about Voldemort. Surely, the boss would have to show up sooner or later. Jane would stick to Draco like gum on the bottom of a shoe if it meant getting a chance to kill the boss.

"Five, love!" Pansy announced as she threw the ball in the air and served. Jane chased after it, but couldn't hit it in time.

"My point. Again." Pansy grinned cheekily in her little white tennis skirt. Jane wore one just like it. She kept hoping that Draco would show up any minute in some sexy tennis clothes. Or preferably no clothes at all.

Pansy scored another couple points before they both spotted Draco's blonde head in a convertible coming down the road that ran parallel to the ocean. He parked beside the tennis court and got out wearing black slacks and an open black blazer that was rolled up to his elbows.

"Hey, Draco! You're just in time to join us!" Pansy called to him. "You should play on Jane's team. She's got some catching up to do."

"I won't be playing tennis today." Draco said simply. He looked at Jane. "I'm just letting you know that I'm going to be in a meeting for most of the morning."

Loudly, Pansy asked, "A meeting about the cocaine?"

"Yes," Draco hissed. "I'll be back for lunch. You can keep yourself busy until then, yeah?"

Jane knew that if she stayed behind she'd suffer another hour of tennis. "Can't I come with you?" she asked.

"And mess things up for me even more? I don't think so."

"Are you afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your boss?" Jane teased. She picked up a tennis ball. She liked the way Draco's head tracked her movement as she bent over.

"The meeting isn't with the boss." Draco said. "I'm in charge of this. Which means it has to go perfectly."

Draco began to walk away. Suddenly, a tennis ball came flying at his head, narrowly missing him and landing on the sidewalk with a loud smack.

The source of the ball had been none other than Pansy. She yelled at Draco, "Your girlfriend wants to spend time with you. Idiot!"

Jane couldn't believe how close that ball had come to Draco's head. "Pansy, your tennis swing could kill someone."

Draco picked up the ball. "Fine. Get dressed."

"Pansy's coming too." Jane declared. Pansy gasped with glee.

"No! I never said Pansy could come!"

She wasn't sure how, but Jane and Pansy won that argument, and ended up in the backseat of Draco's convertible, dressed in Miami business casual; collared tank tops, high-waisted mini-skirts, and big sunglasses.

The meeting took place in an unmarked building. It was a big, empty warehouse of some kind, and one wall was a garage door that was completely open to a view of the ocean. Theo Nott, Graham Montague, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pike were there, as well as some new faces that Jane did not know. Other lackeys all hoping to ride Draco's plan to the top.

The purpose of today's meeting was to arrange the logistics of the transportation of the cocaine from America to Europe. It became clear that although Draco knew drugs, and money, he knew very little about smuggling.

Jane knew a bit about smuggling that she picked up from Molly Weasley. Although, as far as Jane knew, the most Molly had ever smuggled internationally was a suitcase of pills.

"How are we going to get 11 million dollars worth of cocaine across the ocean, mate?" asked Theo. "And don't say a boat. Boats take weeks. We need this fast."

"Just put it on one of your Malfoy company planes," Graham said. "Your family's company has got a whole bunch of 'em."

"That's not an option," Draco snarled. "Can you imagine the repercussions of cocaine being found on a plane with my name on it? No. It won't be one of my planes."

Jane had an idea she'd been thinking about for nearly ten minutes. "Put it on a commercial flight," she suggested. A few of the men chuckled.

Draco looked at Jane. He was surprised she had said something. Even Pansy had mentally checked out and was feeding her dog some chips.

Draco's voice echoed throughout the warehouse. "How am I supposed to fit a couple hundred sacks of cocaine in a commercial flight without anyone noticing?"

"You hide them in plain sight."

Everyone looked at Jane like she had grown another head.

Draco leaned against the table, gazing at Jane. "Please elaborate."

She was suddenly very conscious of the fact that every man in the building was looking at her. "Commercial planes carry cargo," she said. "It has to pass an inspection. But if you have the right paperwork, they don't even look inside. And even if they did look, it wouldn't matter. Because every single unit of cocaine you're transporting will be repackaged to look just like something normal. Something like... flour."

After she finished talking, everyone looked at Draco for his response.

He considered the plan. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He began to nod.

"Good." Draco said to her. Then, he addressed everyone else. "We'll need some forged paperwork and a lot of hands to repackage everything. Get on it."

After that, the meeting adjourned. Crabbe and Goyle wanted to show Graham the beach they went to the day before, and Pansy decided to spend the rest of the day with Theo, so it was just Jane and Draco returning to the car.

As soon as they were inside, Draco looked at her. "What you did in there was impressive."

Suddenly, Draco's hand was around Jane's neck. His expression was stone cold.

"You know a lot about smuggling, my dear. Where did you learn those things?"

"I-it was..." Jane felt choked. "It was just a-an idea, I don't know where I g-got it from."

Draco released his grip on her throat. Jane coughed slightly and put a hand to her neck, unable to look Draco in the eye.

"You're involved in my business now. I need to know that you're not going to fuck me over." His voice was cold, and cutting.

"I'm with you," Jane said, lifting her face to look at him. "I'm with you until the end of this."

She was already brainstorming all of the ways that she could sabotage him. Tip off the TSA, whack the middlemen, or just straight up snitch to the police. Or, she could call Hermione and arrange something even better.

He held her gaze. "I don't know why, but I'm going to trust you. It's not logical. But it's what my gut is telling me to do."

It felt like her heart was setting off fireworks. "Funny. My gut is telling me the same thing about you."

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