Chapter 8

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-Flashback chapter, 3 years ago, Jane was 18 and living in England.-

There wasn't one big reason why Jane left the mafia she grew up in, but rather a bunch of little reasons that seemed to stack upon each other like heavy weights laid upon her shoulders.

Aside from being an orphan, Jane's childhood in England was fantastic. The years before she turned eleven were quite rough because she lived with her neglectful aunt and uncle, but she thankfully did not remember much of that. From her perspective, her life really started when Dumbledore took her in. He moved her to a different town where he knew everyone, and people were kind, and looked out for each other because that was just the way of life there. If someone needed their house fixed up, Dumbledore helped; if someone needed to borrow money, Dumbledore lent it to them; if someone needed to send a mysterious package overseas, Dumbledore could take care of that. Dumbledore had countless friends that all became Jane's friends, as well.

Jane didn't even know just how dangerous being a part of a mafia was until three years ago, when she was about eighteen years old, and still living in England.

When she was in college, Jane worked at Dumbledore's bookshop to help pay for classes. Dumbledore's office was on the second floor of the bookshop; so naturally people came and went with requests and appointments to see him, which Jane managed a bit like a secretary.

Ron entered the shop just like he did every day with a delivery from Weasley's Pastries & Cakes tucked under his arm. He plopped the pink package on Jane's clerk counter.

"I'm so hungover," Ron complained.

Jane gave him a mischievous grin. "You're hungover because you drink those sugary Cosmopolitans. You know those are for girls, right?"

Ron rubbed his tired eyes. "But they're so delicious."

Jane looked at the pastry box. "Is that a delivery for Dumbledore?"


Jane didn't ask what was in the box. Ron probably didn't even know what was in it either. Ron's mother, Molly Weasley, ran a bakery down the road. She was the sweetest woman you'd ever meet. Which made it easy for her to smuggle almost anything without suspicion; money, drugs, medicine. Jane knew that Molly smuggled things to people that really needed them, so it really didn't matter much to Jane that it was illegal. It was for a good cause.

"Go ahead on up," Jane gestured at the wood staircase behind her. "Minerva and Remus are in his office, too."

Ron groaned. He hated interrupting them in their meetings. "They're probably going to have a billion more jobs for me to do."

"Have fun," Jane teased.

"How come you got the easy job? All you gotta do is be his receptionist and he'll pay for your college. I have to be the errand boy."

Ron kept grumbling to himself as he took the package up the stairs. Jane returned to her homework. She liked her job very much. It was peaceful, and she got to see her best friend every day.

Well. Her job was peaceful, until the door opened with a bang, and two tall redheaded men stumbled in.

It was Fred and George, Ron's older twin brothers by two years. They'd skipped college and decided to work directly for Dumbledore and the Bumblebees. Normally, they were playful, full of life, and a little bit cocky. But not today. Jane noticed right away that they were bloody and one of them was badly injured. It was George who had been hurt, and Fred was dragging him along, helping him stand.

Jane thought for a second that George had been shot in the side of the head and was dead. But his eyes were open, and he was still moving- the bullet had just hit his ear, leaving a bleeding stump of flesh that looked absolutely horrifying.

"We need help!" Fred yelled at Jane. Jane was too stunned to speak or move. She was just a bookstore clerk- why was it that they were looking at her for help? She'd never even seen a gunshot wound before this moment.

"Y-you need a hospital." Jane stammered. "W-w-w-why did you come here? Why didn't you go to the hospital?"

She could barely control her shaking arm enough to pick up the phone and begin to dial the emergency 999 number. She got to the first 9 when she saw Minerva McGonagall staring at her from behind her glasses, looking scary and intimidating as hell.

"Don't call the hospital." Minerva ordered. She took the phone from Jane and hung it up.

Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, and Ron were downstairs now. Remus was a physician at one point in his life, and seemed to know what to do. He laid George down on the floor behind a science fiction bookshelf. George's blood began to seep into the hardwood floor.

"Ron, fetch towels," Remus ordered.

Dumbledore asked Fred what happened.

"It was supposed to be a simple job! We hijack trucks all the time, we could do it in our sleep, we could do it fucking blindfolded- how was I supposed to know the driver was hiding a gun?" Fred said, talking so fast Jane could hardly understand him. "It was supposed to be easy! It was supposed to be easy!"

Dumbledore remained calm. "It seems The Goblins were expecting you. Now, come back here, away from the windows. Remus will take care of George. Ron, run back home and tell your mother what's happened. Jane, lock the door and shut the blinds."

George ended up being okay that day even though he was left with only one ear. The last time Jane checked, him and Fred still worked truck hijacking jobs for Dumbledore.

As she cleaned the bloody handprints from the counter, Jane realized that as long as she worked for Dumbledore, she would have to get used to things like this happening. But the thing was; she never did.  

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