Chapter 37

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Linked is the song that inspired the entire fic. The time has come for Jane to make a decision on if she's going to kill Voldemort, or save Draco. Final chapter.


"Jane Potter," Voldemort said her name with an evil grin. "We've been expecting you." Voldemort looked calm. So did Draco, actually, in a half-conscious sort of way. He was probably barely processing what was happening right now. His skin was pale, and his breathing was shallow. His open shirt showed the bandages over the wound in his stomach.

And standing behind Voldemort was Severus Snape. Disgust welled in Jane's stomach at the sight of the traitor. He killed Dumbledore and picked his allegiance to the Snakes.

Jane wasn't expecting Draco to be here. Her finger hovered over the trigger. If I shoot Voldemort, Draco will die.

Jane inhaled a deep breath through her nose and considered what to do next. There was only one choice. So she took her hands off the gun and slowly lowered it to the floor.

Voldemort was intrigued. "Just like that, you surrender? I expected more from the chosen one."

"Jane," Draco said weakly. "Get out of here."

Leaving would be wise. All she had to do was turn around and walk out of here, and Draco would live.

Jane glared at Voldemort. "I'm not leaving until you tell me why you killed my parents."

Voldemort liked that question. It seemed he got some sick entertainment out of other people's misery. Snape looked at her with calculating eyes; but behind the hardened exterior, she saw sadness. You don't get to be sad, traitor.

"Your parents were foolish idealists," Voldemort hissed. "They thought the Snakes and the Bumblebees could unite."

Jane frowned. Her father's letter had only said that they were going to propose a treaty- but he was trying to unite them?

The more Jane thought about it, the more it made sense. The two gangs had been fighting over territory. But if they became one large mafia, their territory would be even bigger, and even more powerful. Voldemort evidently didn't want to share that power, though.

"You didn't want the gangs to unite. You wanted the world all to yourself," Jane scowled. "And my parents were in the way." As soon as Voldemort killed James and Lily, it was a certain fact that the two gangs would be enemies forever. That was just what he wanted.

"Precisely," Voldemort said. "But I'm not a monster, Jane. I saw how your mother protected you until the moment I slit her throat... and took pity. I wanted to see the person you'd become. Filled with vengeance, and spite. It would make the victory that much sweeter."

"You are a monster," Jane protested. "You treat human lives like they're pieces in a game. Like we're all here for your entertainment." She pointed a finger at Severus Snape. "And you. When no one else in the Bumblebees trusted you, Dumbledore defended you. He believed that you were good. I thought you were good. So I just want to know how. How could you do it, Severus?"

Snape's eyes narrowed. "It had to be done," was all he said.

Voldemort didn't take his eyes off of Jane. "The world is made up of those who lead, and those who follow. I thought that young Draco could be a leader, like me. I had such high hopes for him..." The barrel of his gun pressed against Draco's pale cheek. "But he has disappointed me. He is no leader. He is soft."

Anger filled every inch of Jane's body. If she picked up her gun from the floor, Voldemort would shoot Draco. But she could have a clean shot at Voldemort's head. It was an impossible situation. How could she pick between saving Draco, and fulfilling her lifelong vendetta?

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