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Jane waited at the airport. Dozens of people were flowing by her like fish down a stream, and she stood in the middle like a rock, unmoving, and solid. She was waiting for someone. Someone she hadn't seen in months.

Her heart jolted when she recognized a glimpse of platinum hair hidden beneath a crimson Harvard hoodie. He was wearing sunglasses, but she was certain it was him.

"Welcome back to England. How was the flight, Pierre?" Jane smiled when she used his codename. He had called her Anastasia for so long, that it was her form of payback. It was also logical to use alternate names when they were out in public. You never knew who was watching.

He was obviously annoyed by the use of the codename. "Good to be back, Anastasia," was his reply. "Using a public airline is... rather disgusting, I must admit."

Then, he put down his bag, and put his hands on her face and kissed her in the middle of the airport. People watched, giving them cheeky side-glances as they passed by them in the metaphorical river. Jane paid them no mind. They were all just fish; but she and Draco, they were rocks.

"Come on," she breathed when their lips separated. "I have the car out front."

Draco followed Jane to the parked black Volkswagen- or at least, it had been black at one point in time. The paint had faded to a dull gray.

"What happened to the car that I bought you?" Draco demanded, looking at the car like it was an abomination on wheels.

Jane gestured to her casual appearance- a hoodie, jeans, and worn-out boots. "Do I really look like someone who would drive a $100,000 Corvette? It sounds like you need a lesson in a thing called being undercover."

Draco sourly got in the passenger seat. The fabric of the seats were peeling at the seams. "I know how to be undercover. I didn't take the private plane, did I?"

Jane gave her lover a cheeky grin before starting the sputtering engine and pulling out into the road. It had been her idea to make Draco fly public. After all, he wasn't supposed to be here. Hence, the codenames, disguises, and crappy transportation.

"Any new updates?" Draco asked. His hand snaked over to Jane's leg, and rested there. It made her a little bit giddy just feeling his touch.

"So far I've got everyone to agree to combining the gangs. Except Minerva McGonagall. She's agreed to the merge tentatively, on the condition that we keep our money separate."

"I could see why she would want that," Draco said thoughtfully. "But that would still make a power imbalance between my guys and yours."

"Because you Snakes are so much richer than us?" Jane teased.

Draco gave her a silver-eyed look. "Exactly."

"She'll change her mind. She already came around to the new name," said Jane. Once the Bumblebees fully merged with the Snakes, they will no longer be using their old names. They will be calling themselves Phoenix. Phoenix was a name Hermione had come up with. It was a bird that rose from the ashes. It symbolized change, and rebirth. It seemed appropriate.

"How have things been going on your end?" asked Jane, turning on her windshield wipers. It had started to rain.

"Crabbe, Goyle, and the rest of my friends have all agreed. Even Pansy wants to be involved."

"Great. That's, what, like fifteen people?" Jane glanced over at Draco. "What about the old-timers? Crouch, Dolohov, your parents?"

Draco's lips flattened into a line. "They're going to be more difficult to convince."

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