Chapter 5

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A parade of sports cars arrived later that day, red, white, pink and green. Each engine rumbled like roaring lions before they came to a complete stop. The drivers emerged from the cars; young, rich people, who walked around like they were the center of the universe.

The next item on Draco's agenda was to have Jane meet his friends from private school. So Jane stood obediently beside him as they introduced themselves to her. From a red Corvette, two boys emerged, one tall, one short. They had matching shaved heads and went by their last names: Crabbe, and Goyle. A handsome boy introduced himself as Blaise Zabini who drove a white Lamborghini. Pansy and Daphne were the two girls of the group who each arrived in their own cars- pink and green Ferraris.

"Oy brother, how's it been?" Crabbe and Goyle each took turns shaking Draco's hand.

"It's been a while since you've been back to the West Coast," Zabini added with a stunning smile.

"I prefer the other side of the country," Draco explained. "I can't get back to Harvard fast enough."

"You brought your girlfriend! I've been dying to meet her," said Pansy, who approached Jane with a broad smile and curious eyes. Pansy was beautiful and petite, with not a single brunette hair out of place. In her arms she held a fluffy yellow dog- the kind that can fit in a purse.

"Hi. I'm Anastasia." Jane introduced herself with her alias and shook Pansy's French manicured hand. The dog yipped at Jane.

"Hush, Louie!" Pansy scolded the dog.

Daphne, a gorgeous blonde, studied Jane's face. "Draco's been so secretive about you. He hasn't shown us any pictures even though we've asked a million times."

"We were dying to see just what kind of person you were. Because, well, Draco doesn't really do girlfriends," Pansy added. Jane detected a bit of an edge in her eyes.

"He did mention she was fuckin' stunning," Crabbe grinned.

"Mm, his exact words were modest beauty, Parisian model mixed with girl-next-door," Zabini corrected.

Crabbe squinted. "The fuck does modest mean? Sexy?"

"Shut up." Draco hushed Crabbe and Goyle in almost the exact same way Pansy had hushed her dog.


Pansy's shrill cheer rang in Jane's right ear as two cars flew past them at impeccable speed, sending a wave of hot wind through Jane's hair. Draco's black Porsche overtok Daphne's green Ferrari at the last second.

Zabini clapped his hands. "Draco wins again."

They were using the road around the lake as their own personal racetrack. So far, Draco was the one to beat, with Daphne in close second, and Zabini in third. Jane had no car of her own, so she did not participate, nor did she want to. Watching rich people try to one-up each other while she sipped tea in the shade proved to be great fun.

Draco emerged from the driver's seat and fixed his tousled hair with a smooth swipe. He removed his leather racing jacket to reveal he had unbuttoned his crisp white shirt, and a drop of sweat was falling down his chest to his abs. Seeing him like that nearly made Jane salivate against her will.

Jane was quick to avert her gaze when Draco stood next to her. She didn't know why he was standing so close to her, until she remembered they were supposed to be dating.

"Good job," Jane muttered.

"Thank you... sweetheart." Draco replied. Jane wanted to vomit.

"Anastasia! You should race, as well! Let's you and I give it a go."

Jane almost didn't even recognize that Pansy was challenging her to a race. "O-oh, no. I can hardly drive a regular car, much less a rocket-powered one."

Pansy crossed her arms. "Saying no to things is boring."

Saying no to things is how you stay alive, Jane thought. And yet, something about Pansy's challenge bugged her. She was considering taking her up on her offer.

"She doesn't want to race, Pansy," Draco said.

"Nonsense. Guys, Anastasia needs some encouragement!" Pansy shouted to everyone else. "She's being shy."

Draco leaned into Jane's ear. "When Pansy doesn't get her way, she digs in. Just ignore her."

Jane looked at Draco's black Porsche, shining in the sun. She may not get another chance to drive a sports car again in her life.

"May I give it a try?"

That surprised him. "You want to drive my car?"

"That's right."

Draco laughed a very snide rich-person laugh. Then he shook his head. "No."

Pansy overheard, and came bouncing up to Draco. "Please, Drakey? Let her drive your car. It'll be fun!"

Jane didn't wait for Draco's approval. She put on his racing jacket while Pansy climbed into her pink Ferrari, with custom-detailed black and pink leather seats.

Draco followed Jane out to the Porsche. When he knelt in the window of the driver's seat, Jane expected him to say something rude, or condescending about all the bad things he'd do to her if she wrecked his car.

Instead, he said: "Good luck. Don't be afraid to be rough with it."

Draco reached over to make sure her seatbelt was secure, and then Jane was on her own.

The inside of the car was completely foreign to Jane. She barely had ten seconds to figure out where the ignition was before Zabini was in the road, yelling, "Ready, set, fuckin' GO!"

Pansy took off. Jane's shaky foot made the Porsche lurch forward with a terrifying growl that scared her so bad she immediately slammed the brakes.

"Go, damn it!" She cursed at herself. Pansy was leaving her in the dust, already nearing the curve. Jane pressed the gas pedal as hard as she could, and took off with a screech.

It was a full-body workout to drive that car, and even trying her best Jane remained humiliatingly behind Pansy for a long time. Jane impressed herself with how quickly she caught up. Draco's advice proved handy. Jane had started out scared of the car, and then finally made this Porsche her bitch.

Close to the finish line, the front of Draco's Porsche was damn near kissing the bumper of the Ferrari- Jane knew that if she floored it and passed Pansy on the right, she would have a chance of winning.

Unfortunately, Pansy wasn't going to let Jane pass her up. Pansy's Ferrari swerved right, cutting Jane off. It was a trick, of course. But regardless, it was Jane's instinct to slam on the brakes.

Hitting the brakes was a mistake. The Porsche began to spin out like a carousel while Pansy passed the finish line- and Jane's only thought wasn't prayers of avoiding the hospital, but rather praying that she wouldn't end up owing Draco a new car.

By the time the car stopped, Jane's vision was blurred, and she was so dizzy that she wasn't even sure if she was even still on the road.

Soaked in sweat and a little humiliated, Jane caught her breath in the driver's seat. Her seatbelt was the only reason why she didn't go flying out the front windshield.

The door opened with a boom. Draco knelt to the asphalt and took Jane's face in his hands, his eyes frantically scanning her. Was he really checking to see if she was okay?

Upon seeing that she was unscathed but dizzy, his demeanor immediately returned to its natural state of pissed.

Through gritted teeth, he asked, "What the hell were you thinking?"

Jane shrugged. "I was rough with it."

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