Chapter 10

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Ironically, the event of the next day was a regatta. On the lake.

Jane wore a white button-up blouse with gold buttons, and a flowy shin-length skirt made of chiffon with a slit up the side. She stood on the back porch of Draco's mansion, watching boats go by on the lake where she nearly died the night before, sipping black coffee.

Draco emerged from sliding glass doors also wearing white. He stopped at the bartender and asked for a bloody Mary. As he sipped the red drink with shades on, he went over to Jane and stood beside her under the patio umbrella. He didn't have to say anything; but he knew what she did. She could just feel that he knew.

"I heard you went for a swim last night."

There were people around them mingling, drinking, and watching the boats, so Jane had to be careful with what she said in response.

She sipped her hot coffee. "Swimming is good exercise."

"You should have checked with me first-" Draco exhaled in veiled frustration, "-darling, we have a swimming pool you could have used."

Jane narrowed her eyes at him in distaste. She wasn't in the mood to play house. Draco leaned in, a strong hand on her arm.

"You've lost room privileges," he whispered.

Jane wrenched her arm out of his grip. "What?"

"It's a consequence for running away in the middle of the night. You and I will be sharing a room so I can supervise you."

"You cannot be serious."

"That's exactly what I thought when the guards informed me about your night swim." Draco paused, pretending to smile when someone walked past. Then the smile was gone as soon as it came. "You're supposed to be enjoying yourself. As my girlfriend. Your withering glares don't exactly spell love."

Jane shoved her coffee cup into his hand and gave him a sickly sweet smile. "Get me another coffee, then, lover."

Not sure what to do with the coffee cup, Draco flagged down a server. He said, "Coffee. Make it Irish."

While Draco left to mingle, Pansy came up to Jane. She was wearing a short white sundress and playing with her gold necklace. She seemed a little more solemn and quiet than usual. Although, Jane figured it was probably just a hangover from all the dirty Shirleys and cocaine.

"Last night was a shit show, was it not?" Pansy said with a shudder. "Our gatherings don't usually end with someone being maimed. We usually only get minor injuries."

"So Draco's behavior last night was not typical?" asked Jane.

"Well, it is," Pansy adjusted her sunglasses, which were an odd pointy shape and were so small that they didn't really seem to be doing much in terms of sun protection. "Draco's always had a temper. He slapped a waiter in Cabo a few years ago. But that was the first time I've seen him-" Pansy made a slicing motion with her hand, "-you know."

Jane grimaced. "Is Goyle okay?"

"Oh, sure. He's bloody pissed at Draco but he'll get over it." Pansy sure had a talent for downplaying horrible situations. If any of Jane's friends had cut off her finger over a few insults thrown during a poker game, she would never speak to any of them again. But she saw that the red Corvette was still in the driveway, which meant Crabbe and Goyle were probably still around somewhere. Daphne and Blaise were sluggishly drinking mimosas and mingling on the lawn, hindered by their hangovers.

Pansy continued her conversation with Jane. "I hope I didn't make you think I didn't like you yesterday, what with me challenging you to a race and all. I had no idea you were so rubbish at driving," Pansy winced. "I'm so sorry for embarrassing you in front of your boyfriend."

"It's really fine." Jane didn't care what Pansy or Draco thought of her. She had wanted to drive the car, and she had. That was enough satisfaction for her.

Pansy looked Jane in her eyes. "I know we just met, but I wanted to let you know that I'm looking out for you," said Pansy.

Jane smiled uncomfortably. "....Alright then."

"I wanted to ask you, girl to girl, if you know the kind of man Draco is?"

"....I'm not sure I understand."

Pansy cocked her head. "Do you know, and are fine with it, or has he not told you?"

Jane lowered her voice. "Is this about Draco being in the mafia?"

"The mafia?" Pansy guffawed. "What? Those only exist in movies. No, I'm talking about Draco cheating on you."

Pansy held her phone up to Jane's face. On the phone were pictures of Draco in a nightclub kissing a woman; another of Draco licking booze off a woman's chest; and another somewhat creepy one of a woman taking a picture of Draco asleep in her bed. In every picture, Draco was with a different woman, all of whom had either dark brown or black hair. It seemed he had a type.

The photos could have been photoshopped. Jane really couldn't give a crap, they were taken before she and Draco had even met.

"Thank you for telling me," Jane said, trying to sound sincere.

Pansy pouted. "Of course, girl. I've got your back."

Jane decided to order herself a mimosa to get the taste of bullshit out of her mouth.

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