Chapter 15

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finally, a little bit of spice ;)


After a terrifyingly fast car ride back to Draco's house, Jane was finally able to catch her breath. She was in Draco's bedroom, leaning on a black marble-top dresser while he undid his necktie and tossed it onto the bed that they would be sharing tonight.

Jane still couldn't wrap her head around what just transpired at the restaurant. "Why did you take my word over your friend's?"

Draco undid the top buttons of his white shirt. "I can tell you're not the type of person to lie about something like that. Blaise is." Then, he went into the adjoining bathroom, where Jane could hear the faucet running. Probably cleaning his bloody knuckles.

"You don't even know me," said Jane.

"I had to make a point," he said from the other room. "I stand by my girlfriend. No one fucks with you."

"You bashed a guy's face in to make a point?" If Jane wasn't so flooded with adrenaline, she would have laughed. "God, you need anger management. That must be why you don't have a real girlfriend."

Draco walked angrily into the bedroom with a washcloth in his hands. "I don't have a girlfriend because I don't want one! All I want is to finish University, take over my father's business, and live my life alone and surrounded by money! I'm too busy for this boyfriend-girlfriend, feeling, emotional crap. Defending you has made me draw blood twice in 24 hours."

"None of that is my fault," Jane defended herself. "You're maiming your friends for a girl you don't even know! It's psychopathic behavior." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Although, I'm not surprised that an Ivy League mafia prince is a psychopath."

The word 'mafia' made Draco stop- really stop, and consider his next words. "Who told you that I'm mafia?"

"I figured it out myself. I'm not blinded by money and drugs like your friends. I see through that bullshit."

Draco put down the washcloth. Then, he looked at her with calculated eyes. "I underestimated you. No use lying, saying that I'm not part of an organized crime family- what some people might call mafia."

Jane frowned. "What do you like to call it, then?"

"A network."

That made Jane scoff. It doesn't matter what you call it; a group of criminals who organize crime together is a mafia. "So none of your friends know that you're in a crime network?"

"Just Crabbe and Goyle. Their parents are involved as well," Draco said. "Pansy doesn't have to know, nor does she want to. I was going to tell Blaise, but... I was waiting to see if I could trust him. Now I have my answer."

Jane nodded. It was common for mafias to be intergenerational; grandparents, parents, children. You'd include friends whom you could trust to expand the circle and make it stronger.

"Who the fuck even are you?" Draco asked Jane, gesturing towards her accusingly. "You know your way around a sailboat. You're killer at poker, and you're barely intimidated by my friends and family. You had the balls to attempt escaping in the dead of night using the lake. And you had a gun in your car."

Jane's heart was suddenly in her throat. If he figured out that she, too, was mafia- well, that would be the end. He would probably kill her.

Draco strode towards her. His gaze was filled with suspicion. And a little bit of curiosity.

"Are your parents really dead?" He asked.

Jane nodded.

Draco's jaw stiffened as he studied her face like a book. "How did they die?"

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