Chapter 17

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you know I had to do a beach episode!!!! -kittyhawk


They flew on Draco's private plane all night, and by the morning Jane, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and Draco arrived at a multi-story modern house on the beach of Miami. Jane made a mental note to ask Draco just how many houses his family owned- surely, the number was in the double-digits.

The beach house was made of glass and brown wood and stood three stories high. The second story had a wrap-around porch with see-through glass railing; in fact, Jane could see into most of the house because almost every wall was a window. When she went inside, Jane discovered that she could see boats passing by on the water from inside the restroom. It seemed impractical to have a house with that much glass. But it of course came with top-notch security: alarm systems, armed guards, private driveway, and a private beach.

Jane and Pansy spent some time hanging out on the private beach while being served beverages that cured their jetlag and hangovers. It was beautiful, and quiet, the only sound being the lapping of waves. Jane noticed that off to the side was a large boat named Dragon's Kiss. Obviously Draco's boat.

Dobby the butler came to Miami as well. He followed Draco wherever he went. And as Draco's 'girlfriend', his servitude applied to Jane, too. Jane got whatever she wanted. But it felt strange.

"This doesn't really feel like the beach," Jane complained as she sat beside Pansy sipping orange juice from a glass. "We're the only goddamn people here. Beaches should be, like, crowded and loud with food trucks and people wearing speedos."

Pansy curled her lip. "That sounds disgusting."

Jane looked to Dobby. "Dobby, could you take us to a real beach? Here's some things we'll need..."

Dobby got right to work retrieving the items Jane asked for. After Jane got ready to be driven to the public beach, Draco caught Jane and Pansy while they were on their way out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Draco demanded, and then switched his tone. "-Sweetheart?"

"I wanted to go to the public beach with Pansy," Jane replied with casual confidence.

"Not my idea," Pansy added sourly.

"You- you didn't even ask-" Jane saw Draco gritting his teeth as he tried to find the words that a boyfriend would say, "-you didn't even ask if we would like to go with you."

Jane nodded. "You're welcome to come."

And that's how the five of them all ended up at a packed beach in Miami, bustling with music and people, and it was here that Jane felt like she was finally a regular person again. Crabbe and Goyle warmed up to it right away when they saw all the attractive girls in skimpy bikinis. Draco and Pansy, however, were not impressed. They looked as though they would rather be anywhere else than here.

Jane started unpacking the trunk and took out the beach umbrella and beach chairs. Draco stopped her. "Dobby, get these."

Jane gave Draco a pointed look. "You've got arms. Use them. Hey, Dobby, you're excused for the next couple hours."

Pansy's jaw dropped. "We're going to be here for hours?"

"Or at least enough time for you to get a tan that isn't from a bottle. Now come on, we need to get that spot before someone else gets it."

After they set up their spot, Jane was finally able to take in everything that was happening on the beach. Miami was known for parties. People definitely came here for the party vibe; and almost everyone was young. Probably college students as well. A DJ booth was set up down the beach, and food trucks were lined up along the road. Crabbe and Goyle got up to go mingle with some girls and join a game of football. After meticulously applying tanning oil, Pansy hid beneath her floppy sunhat and said that she was manifesting everyone on this beach disappearing. Draco cracked open a book and spoke to no one.

Jane couldn't help herself from admiring Draco's body in his swimsuit. In between going to Harvard business school classes, and climbing the ranks of the Snakes, he must somehow have time to go to the gym, because he was toned. Jane recalled the methodical way Draco had punched Blaise last night and figured he must go to some boxing gym. He probably had a private trainer, as well.

She found herself fantasizing about kissing him again. Last night had left her without a satisfying conclusion, an incomplete thought, a sentence without punctuation. But the longer she held out sleeping with him, the more likely he was to keep her around.

Jane stopped herself thinking about that. She was at the beach, and was going to enjoy herself.

"I'm getting some nachos," Jane announced, adjusting the bottoms of her blue bikini as she got up.

"Nachos?! From a truck?!" Pansy screeched. "Anastasia, no."

"I can literally call someone to get you nachos." Draco complained. He was balancing A Separate Peace on his knee.

"I'll just wait in line." Jane walked away before Draco could insist.

While waiting for her food, Jane realized she could walk into the street, get an Uber, and leave if she really wanted to. But she was actually having a bit of fun. Of course, she would have to keep her attraction for Draco under control while figuring out what she was going to do when she saw Voldemort again.

While she contemplated this, a man started talking to her.

"Nice swimsuit," he said. He looked a little older than Jane, but still college-aged, with golden brown hair and a fantastic smile.

"Thanks," Jane replied.

"Are you a student here?" he asked.

"No," Jane didn't want to be rude and tell him to go away. But she was kind of here with someone, and didn't want to give this guy the wrong idea.

"Figures. If I'd seen you around here before, I would have remembered." He smiled at her.

Jane laughed nervously when she realized he was definitely hitting on her. "That's cheesy."

"I figured you like cheese, though." He gestured to the food window. Jane's order was ready.

"What's your name?" he asked her.

"Anastasia," she replied. "Nice to meet you." Before she politely ended the conversation and walked away, he said something that made her stop.

"I'm Cedric Diggory."

Jane whipped around. "Oh my god. Cedric?" she said in a whisper. It had been years since she had seen Cedric. He went undercover to do field missions for the Bumblebees. Of course, now that she really looked at him, she recognized him. But she never would have expected him to be in Miami, Florida.

Her stomach dropped. "You shouldn't be here. If they see me with you-"

"I'll make this short, then," Cedric said. "Tonight, you're going to go to a club called Dream. It's owned by the Snakes. Find a time to slip away. Go across the street to the Lotus Hotel. 5th floor, room 505. Come alone."

Jane was flabbergasted.

"Good to see you again, Jane," Cedric winked, and then walked away, disappearing into the crowd.


cedric says welcome to miami everyone ;)

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