Chapter 32

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Jane is staying at Grimmauld Place when she gets an unexpected visitor...


Ron knocked on Jane's door around midnight, but didn't even wait for her to reply before coming in. He must have seen the light from under the door and known she was still awake.

He took a long, perplexed look at her. "Jane. Why are you on the floor?"

Jane moved her glasses to rub her tired eyes. "I think better on the floor. It's not like I can sleep, anyway... because of the time change."

Ron nodded. He looked nervous. "Good. I mean- that's not good. Um. What do I mean to say- what I came up here to say is- do you remember when you said your contact from the Snakes might be open to a meet-up?"

"Yeah. It was a stupid idea, though. We should just forget it."

"He's here. Right now."

Jane sprung up from the floor so fast she started to see spots. She suddenly became hyper-aware that she was wearing some stupid pink button-up pajama shirt and some loose jeans that she borrowed from Hermione. Her hair wasn't brushed, and she was wearing her thick black rimmed glasses. Oh, what did it matter, anyway? Draco was obviously here to kill her. He wouldn't give a damn what she looked like.

She hurried downstairs. Ron followed behind her. "He's not going to kill you, is he? Jane?"

Hermione and Lupin were in the foyer. It looked as though they had been taking turns peeking through the curtains. Lupin looked frazzled, and confused. "Jane. Lucius Malfoy's son is outside the house screaming in the street."

Her attention was drawn to a muffled voice outside. It sounded like it was calling her name.

"Take a look." Hermione moved aside so Jane could peer out the window. "Not too far. Don't let him see you."

Slowly, Jane moved the curtain aside. She allowed only her right eye to peek through the window to see the street below. Her eye caught the rear bumper of a shiny silver car that had no business being in this neighborhood. Then, she heard his voice.

"Jane! Jane Potter!"

She pulled back fast, moving the curtain back into place. Shit. He was really outside.

More people in the house came downstairs to see what was going on. In times like these, the Bumblebees liked to stick together, so it wasn't surprising that everyone had decided to crash in the house for the night. She scanned for Dumbledore, but he was not there. He probably went back to his office above the bookstore.

Perhaps Draco was here in an attempt to assassinate Dumbledore. Or, Jane's mind much preferred this idea: Draco really was just here to see her.

"What does he want from me?" Jane asked; a question that was more directed at herself than anyone else.

"We don't know what he wants," Lupin replied. "But the fact that he's here is an act of aggression."

Lupin began to order people to get their guns. Jane pressed her fingers to her temples. This night was getting out of hand- once shots were fired it could easily end with someone being killed. And the thought of Draco dying made her feel like she couldn't breathe.

Fred and George were looking out of the other street-facing window across the hall. Nosy, snooping boys. They couldn't resist getting a piece of the drama. "Hang on. He's yelling something else now."

Everybody froze and listened to Draco.

"I'm here unarmed," Draco called. "I only want to speak to Jane."

"I should talk to him," Jane decided. She could at least get him to go away. She began to walk to the front door but was stopped by Lupin grabbing her arm.

"Don't. It's a trap," he commanded.

"Please," Draco called again, this time sounding more pitiful. "I just want to see her."

Jane could feel every single person in the room looking at her. Fred and George had cheeky smirks on their faces.

"Jesus Christ, Jane. What the hell did you do to this poor man?"

"He's begging in the streets for you!"

Jane's heart started talking louder than her brain. She wrenched herself free from Lupin's grasp and opened the front door. She had no weapon and no coat.

"Jane!" She heard Hermione call after her as she made her way down the stairs.

Draco stood next to his silver car- a British-made Jaguar- in the middle of the road wearing a T-shirt and jeans. A quick visual scan showed that he was wearing no gun holster, and there was no spot for him to be concealing one. He really did come unarmed.

She could feel dozens of pairs of eyes watching her from the windows. "We can't talk here," she said. Draco nodded to the car.

"Get in."

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