Chapter 25

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There was a beat of silence as Draco took in the gravity of what he had just done. Bellatrix's body lay still on the floor, blood oozing from a gunshot wound in her neck. It looked like the bullet had torn through her flesh so easily- like a pencil poking a hole through paper.

"You- you shot her." Jane was shaking. "Why... why did you shoot her?"

Draco looked angry at himself. "She was attacking you. I didn't have time to think." He pressed a hand to his forehead. "Shit."

Jane didn't have the patience for Draco to be upset about a mistake that couldn't be undone. Dumbledore had told her what to do if she was ever in this situation. She began to strip the comforter from the bed. "We need to get rid of the body."

Jane laid the comforter on the floor beside Bellatrix. "Come on. Give me a hand."

Draco still had a blank stare on his face. Likely in shock. Jane was in shock, too- but she wasn't attached to this woman at all, and actually kind of hated her in the brief period she did know her.

"Draco." Jane said his name to get his attention. "We have to clean this up before someone else sees."

Draco snapped back to reality. "We'll take the boat."

Draco took Jane out on the Dragon's Kiss, his 'boat'- which was really more like a yacht. Bellatrix's body was wrapped in a comforter and stowed inside next to the kitchenette like a big death burrito. They sailed for hours. They had to get far, far away from the shore. Then, they would dump her body in the ocean.

Jane was extremely worried about Draco. He hadn't said a word while they cleaned up the murder. And even now, while he stood steering the boat, he was quietly looking out at the setting sun through the glass.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked.

He continued looking stoically out the front window. "I should be asking you that question."

"I'm fine. But you seem kind of... quiet."

"I don't usually have to do body disposal. I typically have guys who do that for me."

Jane was shocked. "Y-you have people to dispose of bodies for you? Just how often do you kill people?"

Draco pressed a button to reduce the boat's speed. "Since I was 16, my father's bought me a car for every person I've killed." He glanced at Jane. "I have a lot of cars."

There were three cars that she knew of: The Aston Martin, the Porsche, and the Bugatti, but there were probably more. That's at least three people that Draco has personally killed. Jane hadn't even killed one. And Bellatrix didn't count; that was only attempted.

"Jesus." Jane said under her breath.

"I don't think he'll give me a car for this one, though," Draco said flatly.

Jane crossed her arms. It was hard for her to figure out just how upset Draco was about Bellatrix dying. He was reacting with as much disappointment as if he had just burnt his toast. He probably would have put her in the dumpster if he could.

"I'm really sorry about your aunt," she said.

"I'm not." Draco shook his head. "She's been killing too much, and for too long. She claimed she liked it." He looked at Jane again. "That's the difference between her and I. I kill, but I don't enjoy it."

Draco brought the boat to a halt. It was time to move Bellatrix. Each of them took one end of the rolled-up comforter and dragged her out to the deck.

"Shark feeding time," he said. Jane looked over the railing and saw that he was right; shadows lurked beneath the surface, with a fin or two popping up every now and then. It gave her the chills.

"Let's just get this over with." Jane winced.

Then, they hauled Bellatrix's dead body over the side of the boat, and let it fall. It hit the water with a splash, followed by the sploshing of the sharks, which made Jane feel like she was going to be sick. Draco quietly watched as the sharks closed in. Bellatrix belonged to them now.

The sun was going down and things were getting darker. The sea was like an endless black space with them in the middle.

Draco looked out at the sun disappearing beneath the horizon. Warm wind whipped his platinum hair. Jane thought that Draco was much more beautiful than the sunset.

With his gaze far away, he said, "This is treason, you know."

Jane understood. You don't kill within your own gang; that was mafia rule number one. And you especially don't kill your own family.

Jane didn't know exactly where she stood with Draco. They weren't a couple. But they weren't strangers. They were somewhere in-between; a no-man's land of intimacy where they trusted each other without reason.

"I keep asking myself why I saved your life. Why, in that split-second decision, I chose you over my own flesh and blood."

Jane gazed at him. She didn't know the answer, either.

"Why was she trying to kill you?" Draco asked, finally looking at her.

Jane squirmed under his intense stare. "...I don't know."

His hands went to either side of her, trapping her against the railing of the boat. If Jane leaned backwards far enough, she would fall into the dark ocean. "Every bit of my training is telling me to throw you to the sharks as well."

Jane's breath hitched in her throat.

Draco's eyes narrowed. "But I'm afraid."

"Afraid you'll feel bad if you kill me?" She tried to joke, but she sounded a little too terrified.

He nodded. "I haven't formed an attachment with a girl before like I have you. Now, it's like whenever I think of you leaving, or picture you anywhere but with me.... I get this feeling like I've lost something of mine. As you can probably guess, I'm very possessive. And I don't want to let you go."

The kiss he gave her then was felt all the way down to her toes. His hands went to her waist while her arms wrapped around his back, holding onto him knowing that imminent death was just a footstep behind her. Draco was like the most addictive drug. She was always left thinking about the next time they would kiss; the next time they would talk; the next time they would look at each other. And every high was better than the last.

He drank her in, both of them getting lost in each other while the boat bobbed up and down in the middle of the ocean.

"Who the fuck are you?" He breathed.

"Yours," was her reply.


chapter 25: draco and jane feed bellatrix to the sharks. LMAO.

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