" Shattered figures sit across the aisle. "

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I always wondered what it would be like to date someone who was broken.
I don't know when the interest started, but it seemed cute to do.
It wasn't until I came across someone so inconceivably broken, that for the first time in my life, I didn't know how to help them.
Their words impale me like sharp broken pieces of thrown away desire.
Their pain is instead unbearable as they push through the hidden ideals of what society calls, "life".

I've begun to notice a pattern in their suffering, it comes like a tornado, crushing all that they have left to love and leaving like a flood destroying any hope they thought they had left to find.
I began to walk away, letting them figure themselves out as they traveled, walking through a path more excruciating than mine.
Their pain, although I never found out the reason, I also never knew their answer.

I walk the path that was made for me, despite the grievous misery I constantly felt.
What about me was so special to them? I may never find out, but it wasn't until I waltzed upon a group of what seemed to be fragmented and demolished souls. They look so troubled and crestfallen.

"For what happened to you all?" I ask the anguished souls of children.
"We are lost, for we don't know where we are and what we mustn't do." Their voices adrift and far away.
One points across the beautiful ocean that lay to my right. I watch over it in astonishment, what beauty stands before me. That's when I saw them across it.

There across the ocean sit eight shattered figures with nothing but pieces of their heads and hearts laying there and that's when I realized. I'm with the ones who lost themselves so long ago, chasing the one too far away to catch; the island of broken dreams, shattered hearts, and bewildered souls. 

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