" A kind soul. "

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He was sweet, a caring person and would look out for you. He was always there and would always try to comfort you.
He had your back and he wanted you to know he cared. If you needed someone, he'd accept you with open arms.
He was misunderstood, a person whose dreams were silenced because of how he was, and you were there to help him.
You both protected each other, were there when you guys needed each other most.
You hadn't known them for long, a soul so kind, so beautiful, it could make you cry.

One comes across a thought, "I'm sure no one would care if I were to disappear the next day" but my dear, that is so incorrect.
Not many people can come across this person, but once they do, they are irreplaceable.
He is the kind of person to say, "Good morning" and "Good night" even when he cannot contact you any longer.
He updates you on his days, tells you about his evening, and even tells you how he's doing.
He talks with the soul that once filled your body with joy, as if you were still there sitting next to him.

You both shared laughs, crying from laughter until your stomach hurt. Slamming the table when you couldn't breathe.
He was the one you wanted to hold on to forever as there was a never dull moment between you two.
He enjoyed every moment you were together and sought you out amongst the crowd.
You were the first to be there for him when he really needed someone. Your light and soft hands caressed his.
Your comforting thumb rubs filling him with immense delight as he knew he finally had someone.

You were willing to come up with a system, just to help him when he needed it. For when he went non-verbal.
Don't worry my darling, for you are not alone. There will come a time, when you need someone.
And that someone will be there. There will be someone to lift you up and be with you through the rest of the way.
He found you at your lowest, and brought you to your highest. And you helped him rise, helped him find himself.
You both strived to be better people, to help each other through the difficult times when your time with each other was coming to an end.

He was the one to be there for you when the rest all left. When everyone was focused on their "one and only's", you were focused on each other.
You guys did not have feelings for each other but you alleviated each other's pain like a married couple.
Your relationship was that out of story books and movies. Someone you stumbled upon that lifted you up.
When you feel there is no one left to understand you, that one person will come along and remedy the hurt.
If you find something like this my dear, please never let it go. It's the best blessing to ever wish for. 

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