" If I had a word. "

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If I had a word to describe how beautiful you were when you smiled, I could use every word in my vocabulary and still not get my point across.

If I had a word to capture all your beautiful features, like the way your hair perfectly flows down your face, accentuates your cheeks, and looks most breathtaking in the sun, I would say it all the time.

If I had a word to describe the ways in which you speak to me, with such love and adoration. With such romance and cuteness, with everything I ever wanted to hear, I would never shut up.

If I had a word to describe how cute and elegant your voice sounds to me, I could sing songs and have each one of them reach the charts.

If I had a word to describe how beautiful your scars were, I'd make sure to say it to you every day and make sure you knew that I accept every part of you that there is for you to offer.

If I had a word to describe how gracefully you move, I would never stop wanting to look at you because you are mesmerizing.

If I had a word to describe the way your personality fits perfectly with mine, I could talk about you like I had a second body unbeknownst to me but that's something that I so deeply love.

If I had a word to describe how your laugh and giggles ignite an undying fire of love within me every time you utter the sound, I would play the sound on repeat like my favorite song.

If I had a word to describe how happy you make me, I would never stop smiling and my cheeks would always be red and fuzzy.

If I had a word to describe the way you make me feel when I talk to you, I could never want to feel it with another person because the influence you have on me has cultivated me in every way.

If I had a word to describe the way you make my soul feel like it's gleaming, I could transcend into the stratosphere. You make my soul reflect every happy emotion there is to be felt.

If I had a word to describe how much I always want to be with you and spend every waking second in your arms, I could get high off the mere thought of the embrace.

If I had a word to describe how amazing you are and how I want to make you feel everything you make me feel, the word would be longer than a DNA strand.

If I had to describe our entire relationship in one word, I couldn't do it. There are too many words but still not enough to capture the mere essence of beauty you contain.

You are the world's brightest star and its darkest and deepest crevice. You, my beautiful girl, are everything I've ever wanted and cherished, and no matter the words in the universe, they still  would never be able to describe.. You.


Author's Note: I'd like to reiterate, I made this when I was in a relationship with someone and finally thought I was getting happier. I'd like to say for the record, this is no longer the case as we are no longer together. Out of privacy, I have removed her name and left the poem the same otherwise changing a few things as to not give away any details. 

Seeing as this was a different time in my life, I hope this does not take away from the poem itself seeing as it was about someone personal in my life and that everyone can enjoy it all the same! Thank you for understanding. :)

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