" From the moment I saw you. "

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From the moment we played that first game together, I knew you were someone who I wanted to keep forever.
You were someone who inspired me and someone beautiful I look up to.
For someone like me you may think, "Why look up to someone like me?" But you do so many things that I so deeply cherish.
The way you have determination like no other, despite not knowing the answer ahead, you persist.
The way your heart gleams when you're happy and talk about something you enjoy.
Your personality being so heart warming and perfect I never thought I would've found you.

You were the one I wanted to keep to myself, and from that day, I wanted you to know how much I loved you.
May fourteenth will forever be my comfort day. That will be the day I knew my love for you was shared; reciprocated.
You have no idea how happy you had made me that day and every day you continue to make me happy.
I love the fact we share the same interests, share the same love, and that you love the part of me I so deeply hated.
You're slowly teaching me to love that part of me, that I can be loved for such things like that.
The jokes you make around it make me so happy that you love me, love my possessiveness and obsessiveness.
You are someone I never thought I'd find. We're both broken but in certain ways, we can be fixed.
You are the one who's healing me, and I'll do it back to you because if in turn you heal me, then we can grow like a beautiful vine together. One that never stops growing.

For our love is incomparable. You make me feel actually loved, cherished, and most of all, seen.
From the ones of the past, you are the one who's erased them. Even if it's for mere moments, you do it.
You are the one who's heart is so pure, so loving, scars and all. You are the one, I feel it.
I've said, "I love you" to many, but have only meant it to a few. You are the first person I genuinely believe that I've really meant it when I said it.
You stand alone from the rest. How did you do it? You crawled in like a disease, a healthy one, and never left.
If I had everything in the world; money, friends, loving peers, a scholarship, my dream car, my dream job, I'd trade it all for you. You're the one I've been wanting all my life. Inconceivably broken, but willing to be repaired.

I could never replace you. Come hell or high water, love and pain, you are the one I never want to forget.
Whether it's good or bad, you are the one who I want to keep forever, cherish every moment.
I want to love you, for you. See you, for you. You are the one in which I accept. The one I have always loved even before I was born.  

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