" What is social anxiety? "

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Social anxiety is the crippling fear of large crowds.
Social anxiety is the fear of staring into the faces of others.
Social anxiety is the fear that everyone around you is staring at you.
Social anxiety is the constant fear that you're being severely judged by those around.
Social anxiety is the persistence of your legs bouncing and moving around involuntarily.
Social anxiety is the ceaseless movement of limbs, having to mess or play with something.
Social anxiety is the fear of messing up in front of everyone.
Social anxiety is the fear of knowing how to start human conversations.
Social anxiety is the fear of not knowing how to phrase things.
Social anxiety is the fear of not knowing how to focus on what you're saying because you're terrified of judgment.
Social anxiety is the fear of not knowing how to breathe when you freak out.
Social anxiety is the fear of choking up on your own words.
Social anxiety is the fear of an uncontrollable, adrenaline rush caused from an overwhelming fear.
Social anxiety is the constant fear of being trapped with a bunch of unknown individuals.
Social anxiety is the fear of feeling isolated in a room with nothing but your own voices.
Social anxiety is the fear of feeling trapped.
Social anxiety is the fear of not feeling accepted by that of our peers.
Social anxiety is the unbearing awareness of those around you, their actions, and what they say.
Social anxiety is the crippling fear of not knowing how to talk, inability to want to speak to others.
Social anxiety is the fear of worrying about what the other person is going to say.
Social anxiety is the fear of not knowing what to say.
Social anxiety is the fear of being seen.
Social anxiety is the lack of eye contact and conversations because you shut down quick.
Social anxiety is the fear of breath being caught in your throat when you let out a singular word.
Social anxiety is the fear of not knowing what to do with your body when talking.

Social Anxiety... is the fear of existing

Authors Note: I made this month's ago and kept the paper to work on the idea. I revised it and added on to the idea of Social Anxiety and put this together. I hope you all like my idea of it and my take since I am someone who struggles with Social Anxiety as well! :)

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