" For what it's worth, I used to know you. "

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I always believed you would be there for me, always believed you had my best interest at heart.
But ever since he became part of the picture, both of you have done nothing but tear me apart.
I thought I was clever and helped you get what you wanted, but turns out I'm not smart.
And now I just want to go back to where we first met and just restart.
I thought we would be forever, but once I realized you were telling him everything, even things I
told you not to tell him, that's when it registered that it's time we part.

I want you to know, I would've done anything and absolutely everything for you, now, I won't.
Now there's no reason for humor, jokes, nothing else left to promote.
I have given you yet again, everything I had, and all I'll know is your ghost.
Once I knew it was always going to be him, my sobs and emotions got caught in my throat.
I did nothing to your lover, yet he keeps attacking me, unprovoked.
And now the death of my feelings lies here, still soaked.

You made me so happy, made me laugh so hard, and it sucks that now it's those exact memories that I'm going to be burying.
It's relieving as much as it hurts, but I guess this burden is something I'm no longer carrying.
My feelings are fuming, never knowing why it was you who was lying.
I thought you'd be the one I'd be marrying (in my head) to bad you're the one who's going to be crying

You hurt me beyond belief. More than I thought possible. You hurt me almost on purpose.
I always asked you if what I said ever made you uncomfortable and you always said, "No" and then you told me that it does, now I'm mysteriously the one who is nervous.
In one swift sentence you broke me faster than I realized I was in love with you. Made me realize how much of you was purchased.
He basks in your attention, your love, rubs it in and won't leave me alone. And now I just want to shove my feelings for you in a furnace.
You were the one who I chose to leave and ignore, and now down with you and my feelings for you, here lies, my emotions and my pain, for you now no longer have room to hurt us. 

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