Chapter 34

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Trigger Warning:

Blood and Death

Chapter 34
Just in Need of Some Sleep

Trudging down the street on a weekday at 6 am wasn't on his to-do list—again. Although he'd done the same shenanigan the day before, his body felt sore with every step. Coiny tried remembering if GB had mentioned it the previous day—something he wasn't all too sure if he had picked up. With his drowsiness, he wasn't exactly sure what she had said yesterday, his mind feeling like sludge from just waking up. He'd hardly even gotten sleep, having just gotten back from Leafy's camp at most 2 hours. It was a long hike back and throughout the entire walk, he was just dreaming of sleeping in until his shift started.

He yawned, his steps sluggish as he tried keeping up with Tennis Ball. His entire body felt tired, his bones popping as he stretched his arms out, sighing with relief as the pain melted away. It was clear he needed sleep but that was something he could focus on later on. Preferably at home.

"Why do we have to do this so early again?" He asked, his mind still fogged with exhaustion.

"The other electrical pole went over the threshold, which is kind of a big deal," TB said, his words trailing off, almost concerned. "If anything goes wrong with it, the electricity in the city could go out."

Coiny picked up his pace as the green-haired boy took a turn around the corner. "Isn't that what GB said yesterday?"

Of course, her lab partner didn't respond, his hands fidgeting with the walkie-talkie in his hand. He sighed, kicking the pebbles under the sole of his shoes as they walked through the city. His eyes were half-lidded,  the want of sleeping running through his veins as the silence between them was growing. He knew it would pass by quickly, seeing as how yesterday's work was done in just over an hour.

The copper-haired man glanced up at the man in front of him, his hands stuffed in his khaki trousers. He was more quiet than usual, even if their interactions were far in between, Coiny could tell. Despite his hesitancy to speak, he kept quiet, mostly because of the low hum that rang in his head. He continuously blinked, trying to keep himself awake, away from exhaustion consuming him. Just do this and you can go back to bed, he repeated the thought from the previous day, trying to shake the (quite literal) tiresome feeling away. He heaved as he pinched the bridge of his nose, still pacing behind TB, behind by just a few steps.

There was a slight feeling of regret he was beginning to experience. Walking out to Leafy's was something he had been anticipating to get accustomed to. Instead, it felt like each time he went there, he got more exhausted, slowly piling atop him. Maybe it was the soreness, having to climb up the rocky terrain of the hills and the various times he'd nearly trip. But that feeling had always been there, a small sliver that was so pestering, needing to be heard. And quite truthfully, it was just the physical toll on his body that felt frustrated. Every other speck of his being was more than enthralled to help her out. To talk to her.

His mind couldn't stop thinking about their conversation last night—well technically a few hours ago. He couldn't help but warmly smile over their conversation, hearing her give advice that—despite knowing, hearing it from her made it sound so much like...fact. Her words were a warm gentle breeze that made him stay at ease. She really was his confidant. It was weird how out of everyone in the city, she was the one he trusted the most.

"We're here," TB's voice interrupted his thoughts, making him stop in his tracks. The lift was there again, the tools sitting beside it waiting to be picked up.

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