letter from Jess to Jiah

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Dear Jiah,

You have existed in my brain for two years now. Compared to the rest OCs I have created for fanfictions/fiction, I've grown attached to you the most. You're the warmest, sweetest, smartest, softest, strongest and cutest character I've ever 'met.' There are your sides I feared and wished I didn't put that in you. You're quite spoilt and can be dumb and scary hahaha. But you're a human. Your flaws make me love you more.

During the journey of writing Oh! My Shy Boss - now, known as To Find Something True, I couldn't help but admire how'd you grow in my brain that way. I usually decide on a character personality on impulse (take Kim Nahee as an example ^^;) You worked so hard, looking for jobs to help your father with his debts. One time, I asked myself if you ever get tired of living. I saw you shaking your head to me in response. You made me wonder why. After pondering, you inspired me. Both of us know how similar our struggles are, and I want to be like you.

Your presence in my mind kept telling me that I got this! So I did the same as you, to not give up on my life's journey, to keep looking for what I need in life. There were times the close-minded society forced you to dim away from my mind. I got scared. I got down, I had a hard time getting up. I lost motivation to write you and the book once; what was I supposed to do? I asked myself in fear.

The book has, now, ended. I'm afraid and sad that I have to bid you goodbye. There are so many things I've learned from you. You're probably the alter ego I've been needing in life. Thank you. Thank you for making me happy. Will you still be there to motivate me? To motivate us?

I find it harder to bid you goodbye now. I'll miss writing you. But, I love you. I love you, Jiah. You're my best friend. Wherever you are in my mind, I hope you are living a happy life. Fighting! <3

Much loves,
- Jess

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