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"So, this is Hogsmeade?" Delphi said as she, Harry, Fay, Tracy and Daphne arrived in the village. It was truly a beautiful sight, freshly fallen snow combined with old wizard buildings along with a variety of shops.

"Yeah, unless we were supposed to take that left turn at Albuquerque" Harry said, causing Delphi to snort while Fay giggled and the two Slytherin girls stared at the three in confusion.

"Muggle joke" Fay said to Daphne and Tracy, both nodded but decided not to ask.

"In all fairness, it's not that bad" Harry said as he looked around, Shadow was perched on his shoulder.

"Shame it's cold though" Tracy said as she shivered slightly "hold on, why don't you look cold?" She asked Harry who didn't look remotely bothered by the cold.

"I don't get cold" Harry said as he raised his right hand, small flame appeared, big enough for his friends to see but not enough to attract too much attention "my body automatically warms up or cools down to match whatever temperature it needs to match."

"Oh, can you teach us that?" Fay asked hopefully

"No" Harry said as he extinguished the flame "Can't, not won't. Though if I could I'd probably still refuse, would take too long"

"Thanks for being a good friend" Daphne rolled her eyes

"I gave your sister money for her books, I did my good deed for the year" Harry argued

"Oh, about that" Daphne handed Harry some galleons "Astoria wanted me to give this back to you, apparently she doesn't need it anymore. She said that the twins apologised to her yesterday and gave her some money for the books"

"Great, more money for me" Harry said as he took his money back

"She mentioned something about you apparently giving them another one of your famous verbal beatdowns"

"They're famous now?" Harry asked, a bit amused at the news

"Yep" Fay grinned "everyone's heard about the boy-who-lived and his deadly verbal beatdowns. Everyone knows that you made McGonagall of all people cry with just a few words. That's why the smarter ones aren't really all that willing to say anything to you in public."

"I'm told I get it from my mother, is it really that bad?"

"They're afraid you'll embarrass them, shame that Weasley and Granger can't follow everyone else's example."

"Yeah but without idiots like them, geniuses like me wouldn't look good" Harry pointed out

"Careful" Daphne warned "or we'll start calling you 'the boy-who-has-a-big-head'"

"Of course I have a big head, my brain's bigger than all of yours" Harry smirked "face it, you're just a Slytherin, I'm a Ravenclaw's Slytherin, cunning, ambitious and brains"

"We're doomed!" Tracy said dramatically as the girls laughed while Harry merely smiled

"You wanted to see me sir?" Harry asked as he stepped into the office of Professor Lupin

"Ah yes, please take a seat Harry" Lupin said as he sat on his desk, he gestured to the seat in front of him

"I'll stand" Harry refused "the last time the defence against the dark arts teacher told me to take a seat he tried to rape me"

"Yes" Lupin frowned "I had heard about that. I'm sorry you went through that"

"I'm not" Harry said, causing Lupin to raise an eyebrow "rather it happen to someone capable of defending themselves instead of an innocent first year"

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