6. No, Its The Boogie Man

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The next was another beach day. Unlike yesterday it wasn't as fun, well at least for me. The guys found surfboards at the house and Tyler decided to teach Wyatt how to surf.

Wyatt being Wyatt picked up surfing pretty easily. Derek who doesn't like surfing stayed on the beach asleep most of the day.

After about three hours Wyatt quit surfing and joined Katie on the beach. He said he had inhaled too much salt water.

I think he missed Katie. They built sandcastles together and then tossed a football back and forth.

Tyler surfed the whole day. Taking one break for lunch where we bickered about Olivia again.

I felt a little agitated that he basically ignored me all day. We came on this trip to spend time together and he ignored me all day.

When we got home we all took showers and Wyatt and Katie made dinner. Which was frozen chicken cooked in the oven and frozen French fries. (Deep fried of course.)

I ignored Tyler and he didn't seem to mind.

The next day we all went to a water park. Tyler and I were more distant than ever. It seemed like we never got any time together. Not only that but the few times we did get together we fought over petty stuff.

I've never felt farther from Tyler. The worst part was he didn't seem to notice.

The theme song from The Office wakes me up from my cat nap.

I sit up to find the tv remote resting on my stomach. The quiet sound of rain hitting the roof tells me it's still raining.

This morning we had planned to go on a hike up a mountain to cliff dive but the weather had other plans.

Izzy, Derek, and Ava decided to go shopping. Katie stayed home since she doesn't like the small beach shops. I stayed home with Katie and Tyler said he was tired and didn't feel like coming.

Izzy seemed pretty disappointed that he didn't come. To me, it seemed like something is going on between them.

I glance around the living room/kitchen and see no trace of Katie. She was in here with me at one time.

I get up and notice a person in the hammock outside under the patio. That person is Katie.

"What are you doing, baby?" I say over the light patter of rain.

Katie turns her head towards me. "Enjoying the weather."

Placing my hands in the side of the hammock I lean down towards her. "Are you reading a book?"

Katie's eyes widen the slightest, to the average eyes it would have been undetectable, but I have studied every small detail of Katie. Especially her eyes.

"No of course not," Katie lies through her teeth.

I lean closer to her, so close I can see the little splash of turquoise in her green eyes. "Really, then what's that?" I ask, seductively.

Katie's breath quickens and she rolls her eyes. "Fine, I was reading."

I gently push the hammock and it swings away from me. "And what book would that happen to be?"

Katie giggles. "The Six of Crows."

I catch the edge of her hammock when it swings back to me. "Traitor!" I exclaim.

Katie attempts to sit up. "Hey, you were asleep."

I motion for her to scoot over. "Well, I'm here now. Scoot."

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