10. Gals Before Pals

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After ten minutes of sobbing hysterically on my kitchen floor, I realize my parents are going to be home soon.

So, I do the only thing I can think of.

I drive to Katie's house. Now you're probably thinking that I'm crazy.

Yes, there is a small chance Tyler will be there. If I happen to see his car in the driveway I'll do what Wyatt has done almost every weekend since homecoming.

I'll park my car down their street and climb their fence that's directly under Katie's window.

Then I'll take the stick that Wyatt keeps shoved behind the gutter drain pipe and tap Katie's window.

She'll then hear me. Thinking it's Wyatt she will open the window and lower a rope she keeps in her room. Then I'll scale up their wall and climb through her window.

To be fair Wyatt is a foot taller than me so it might not work.

When I pull up to their house I only see Katie's car. I walk up to their door, fish the spare key out from under the step railing and open the door.

Once I step in I'm hit with the smell of her house. It brings me a sense of comfort. I take a second to look around their living room.

My eyes fall onto the back wall that's covered in photos.

When Mike redecorated their house he gave Katie free rage. She loves photos so much she wanted to put them everywhere.

Mike compromised by letting her have one wall. Katie being Katie chose the biggest wall in their house.

I walk closer and my eyes slowly look at each picture. Some are years old and some are as recent as graduation.

When Clair moved in Katie took some of her photos down and Clair replaced them with hers.

My favorite would have to be one from Mike and Claire's engagement party.

We are all sitting at a table, and none of us know a picture is being taken.

I'm rolling my eyes at Tyler's over-dramatic reaction to smelling Derek, who stank very badly. Ava is laughing and on the other side of me is Katie who has her hand on Wyatt's chest. It looks like she's trying to shove him because he most likely teased her about something.

The look in Wyatt's eyes as he looks down at her makes my heart break all over again.

You don't even have to know Katie and Wyatt to see how in love they are.

It used to be that way with Tyler and I.

Not wanting to take a trip down memory lap I suck in a ragged breath and run up to Katie's room.

I hear quiet music coming from her cracked door. When I push it open I see Katie reading a book.

When she hears the door creak from being pushed open she throws the book under her pillow.

"Sweetie, I thought I heard you leave," Katie squeaks as she attempts to look like she wasn't reading.

My guess would be she was reading the book her and Wyatt are reading together and she is supposed to wait for him.

When she turns towards me she relaxes. "You never caught me reading The Six of Crows, okay."

As much as I want to laugh at her paranoia I can't.

Katie takes in my face, (that's most likely covered in red blotches) and her face falls.

"Iz, what happened?"

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