It Was Always You

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Tina's POV

You know how people say that love happens when you least expect it? Well, it's definitely true. After Edward broke up with me and left, I never thought that I'd fall in love again. Things were hard after Edward left and it took me some time to get back to feeling like myself...Jake was a part of it, but really, I owe the biggest credit to the love of my imprint. I should start at the beginning of my story but that would take forever. So instead, I'll start where things really started to get interesting....

After I found out that Jake and his friends were wolves, I started spending more time down at La Push. When they found out that I was the one that Victoria was after Sam said that they'd be able to protect me better the more that I was in La Push, but really, I just liked hanging out with them all. While the guys would be out patrolling, I spent most of my time with Emily unless I was over at Jake's cooking and cleaning for Billy. That's how it was for months. Then one day everything changed.

I'd been over at Jake's cooking a bunch of meals to freeze for Billy when Jake bust in through the front door. I turned to look at him (as did Billy) but he just stood in the door to the kitchen just staring at me. "Jake? What's wrong?" I asked him.

Finally, he let out a sigh. "The stupid idiot imprinted when it should have been me." Jake said.

I looked at Jake confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked him, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Jake sighed again. He rubbed his hand over his face. "You should go down to the beach... where we first talked about the legends." Jake said. I nodded understanding. I threw my jacket on and walked out the door and headed down to the beach.

I wasn't sure what imprinting was, but I had a feeling that it was the equivalent to vampire mating. By the look on Jake's face when he'd walked in the door, talking about imprinting I had a feeling that he was hoping that he'd imprinted on me. But obviously he hadn't not only by what he'd said but by the fact that he was sending me down to the beach to where I'm assuming my wolf was waiting for me. As I walked toward the beach I tried to think about which wolf it was. There weren't many wolves in the pack at the moment, and I knew that Sam was with Emily and that Jared was with Kim. Jake clearly hadn't imprinted on me so that left Embry and Paul. Paul...part of me hoped that it wasn't Paul mainly because of the fact that he had a temper but at the same time I knew that Paul would protect me. It wasn't exactly a secret that Paul and I didn't get along. He had this habit of calling me leech-lover for-and he never let himself be alone with me. I think that he was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Then there was Embry... He was totally sweet. We'd met back before they all phased and we all hung out in Jake's garage. When a wolf had to be on Tina-watch it was usually Jake or Embry that volunteered. I knew that Jake volunteered because he was in love with me. I thought that maybe Embry volunteered because we were friends but now I was wondering if it was because he'd imprinted on me.

When I got to the spot on the beach that Jake had told me to go to, I noticed one of the guys standing there. That wasn't uncommon, the part that shocked me the most though was who was standing there. As I approached him, he turned around clearly hearing me approach him. "You imprinted on me?" I asked.

He nodded. "How much do you know about imprinting?" He asked me.

"Nothing. Although I have an idea of what it might be. This is why Jake was upset?" I said.

He nodded again. "Yeah. He's not exactly happy with me at the moment." He said.

I crossed my arms over my chest even though part of me wanted to run up and hug him. "Is it because of the imprint or because you almost attacked me." I said, giving him a small smile.

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