The Imprint Part 2

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It's hard to believe that Seth and I have been together for ten years. It's been an amazing ten years. Seth was sixteen when he'd imprinted on me so we'd had to wait until he'd turned eighteen before Charlie was okay with anything serious between us. So shortly after my 20th birthday, Seth and I petitioned the tribal elders for us to get a house. Sue had been sad. She finally had an empty nest. Leah had moved out the year before moving in with Embry and Tiffany Call. It had shocked the entire pack. No one had even known that they'd been together. With both of her kids out of the house, Sue and Charlie had finally come clean with everyone about the fact that they were in love with each other.

A year later, found Seth and I pregnant with our first child. Alyssa Leah Clearwater. We'd decided to name her after Leah because Leah had been the one to protect me when a nomad vampire had been passing through. It turned out that I wasn't the only one pregnant. When Seth and I told everyone that we were pregnant, Emily and Kim both confessed that they were also pregnant. We thought it was fitting that the three of us were pregnant at the same time. Later that year however, we'd all been shocked beyond belief. Jake's sister, Rachel had surprised everyone by moving home after graduating college up in Seattle. When sure enough, when she walked into Billy's house Paul imprinted on her. It was the craziest thing. That led to the second fight between Paul and Jake since I'd met the pack. Rachel had hated the idea of imprint, quite similar to Emily when she'd found out. Paul ran out of the house and phased on the spot. He hadn't been able to phase back for two weeks. He said it was the worst he'd felt since his first phase. Come to find out, Paul had dated Jake's other sister Rebecca before she'd left home. Therefore Rachel didn't want anything to do with him. He'd had to completely win her over, something he'd never had to do before. Eventually though she accepted the imprint.

During the fourth year that Seth and I had been together, Sue and Charlie had shocked everyone by getting married, thus Charlie moving to the reservation. Billy had also gotten really sick that year. It took everyone to take care of him. Jake also imprinted that year. Angela had been home from college and she'd wanted to hang out. I had invited her down and introduced her to everyone. She went to say hi to Jake and BAM! Instant imprint again. We were beginning to find out that imprinting was more common than we thought. So much happened that year though. Old Quil had died that year, thus leaving an open spot on the tribal council. We'd found out that I was distantly related to Old Quil because his wife had been my great aunt Molly. Therefore the council had to choose between me or Quil to take his spot. This had shocked everyone because I wasn't Quileute by blood. I'd half expected Quil to fight for it but in the end he'd told the council that he thought the spot should go to me...knowing that I'd loved learning about the legends since my very first bonfire. It felt weird to be a tribal elder at the age of 22, but I guess that Sam had felt the same way when he'd joined the council.

The next year, Seth and I were surprised when we'd found out that we were pregnant again. This time we had a little boy. We name him Charlie Harry Clearwater. After both of his grandfathers. It was bittersweet. Seth said that he felt like a part of his Dad had come back to us. We had some sad moments that year as well. Rachel found out that she and Paul couldn't have kids. They were heartbroken. Paul had ended up phasing and spending a couple of months up in Canada because he didn't know how to be there for Rachel. She'd ended up coming to stay with Seth and I while Paul was gone. I was hesitant at first because I didn't want it to upset her even more. She simply told me that it didn't bother her that she couldn't have kids. She'd accepted it, but she knew that it was bothering Paul. Something about his Wolf wanting pups. Completely unlike Paul. Imprinting had changed him. The other thing that happened that year was that we lost Billy. Jake, Rachel, Paul, Charlie and I had been devastated. The pack had gone camping that weekend. We'd woken up Saturday morning to Charlie calling saying that he'd gone to check on Billy and he was gone. We definitely had to pull together during that time. The whole Tribe was mourning, we'd just lost our Chief. Three days after the funeral, Jacob had been named the new Chief. He had no idea what to do.

The following year had been quiet.

Two years ago, was the biggest year for the pack. There were several wedding. More imprints. More pups. But the biggest thing of all had been for me and Seth. It had been the first time since Harry's death that we'd suffered tragedy in our own family. It had been a cool fall day when it happened. Seth and I had been so excited. We were growing our family once again. The day before we'd found out that I was pregnant again. However, this particular day we were sitting on the porch watching the kids play in the yard when suddenly I doubled over in pain. I'd never felt pain like that before. Not even through my previous pregnancies. Rachel had come over to sit with the kids while Seth had rushed me to Forks General. Charlie and Sue had met us there. It was an hour after we'd arrived that they'd given us the news. I'd had a miscarriage. They gave us further bad news telling us that they didn't think that I'd be able to carry another baby to term. We'd been heartbroken. We'd wanted to have a big family and now that dream was being crushed. Fortunately, we'd had our family around to support us. Rachel had stayed with us, even after Paul came home knowing that I needed to rest and that we'd need help with the kids.

Last year had been memorable. Jake had finally proposed to Angela and they gotten married. She'd admitted to me that she'd been scared at first. She wasn't sure how the tribe was gonna feel about having someone who wasn't born into the tribe as one of its leaders. Jake and I had quickly explained to her that I hadn't been born into the tribe but I was a tribal elder. Paul and Rachel had decided to adopt, leading them to find their daughter Alexis Becca Lahote. She was gorgeous. Her parents had been killed when she was a baby. Paul suspected that it had been a vampire. Sam had decided to quit phasing, wanting to spend more time with his family. Jake had decided to quit phasing as well, wanting to focus more on Angela and the wellbeing of the tribe. Jared had been named Alpha of the pack naming Paul as his Beta. It had been a good year over all.

So here it was the 10 year anniversary of the night that I had accepted my imprint to Seth. We never did get married, just happy and content with our family and our life.

I was pulled from my thoughts by my best friend getting my attention. "What you thinking about so hard?" Jake asked me as we walked along First Beach.

"Just thinking about how far we've all come since the newborn battle and the night that I found out about my imprint to Seth." I told him.

"Any regrets?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "Sometimes I wish that Seth and I had gotten married, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a regret." I told him.

"But it's something you want?"

"Yeah. It's something I've thought about ever since I first got pregnant." I told him.

He stopped walking and I turned to face him. "Do you trust me?" He asked.

I looked at him confused. "Jake, we've been best friends for over ten years. Of course I trust you." I said. He held up a blindfold. "What the hell is that for?" I asked.

"Just put it on." He told me.

I sighed and put it on. Jake grabbed my hand and I could tell that he was leading me somewhere. "Remember, I trip over air." I reminded him.

"I remember." I heard.

I pulled the blindfold off and looked into Seth's eyes. "Seth?" I looked around me. There were a couple of small bonfires burning as well as some tiki torches. I saw all of our family aka our friends. Everyone was there. "What's going on?" I asked.

"It was recently brought to my attention that even though in the archives you are listed as Minnie Clearwater, I never made it official. So this is me making it official. Minnie, will you marry me?" Seth said.

I jumped into his arms. "Of course I will you idiot." I said. "I love you so much." I told him before I kissed him.

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