You Got What You Wanted

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Alice stared at her brother with unshed angry tears. This was his fault. It was all his fault.

"Stop it, Alice, there is nothing we can do. "Edward responded to her thoughts.

"How about both of you shut up? We are here on a mission! And I for one do not want to face Aro's wrath! Now shut up and watch!" Rosalie ordered.

The three siblings turned their eyes to the scene before them.

A woman with waist-brown hair, bent down to soothe a crying child. She grunted as her stomach lightly touched the ground.

Edward looked on in concern and wanted to reach out and help her, but he froze as a dark skin man approached the woman.

"Ya can't be bendin' down like that honey. Your gonna get stuck. "

Immediately Edward was swamped with memories.

Laughter and fallen books on a college campus.

First dates in a café.

Meeting Charlie.

Visiting Jamaica

A proposal on the beach.

A barefoot wedding in a t-shirt and jeans.

A honeymoon.

And now...

The woman elbowed the man in the stomach and they both laughed.

"Oh, shut up you, and help your pregnant wife up."

"Whatever ya ask for my queen."

The man they now knew was her husband helped her off the ground.

"Come on Katie, let's go take you back to mommy. It's time Auntie and Uncle have some alone time."

"Oooh, me like the sound of that!" The husband cheered as he scooped up his pregnant wife and walked the group to the car.

"Well, I've seen everything. let's go, we can call Aro and go back to Italy." Rosalie said.

Alice followed, but Edward stayed right where he was.


With a sigh, Edward followed his sisters.


Even though she hadn't seen them in ten years, Belle always expected one of them would show up. At least once in her lifetime.

She always thought someone would come back to kill her. maybe tonight was the night. At least she got to live a full life.

She had simply gotten up to get some water but as she looked outside her window, she saw him.

He still looks the same. Of course, that's to be expected. He is dead after all.

Belle sighed.

I guess I should say hello. It's been ten years.

She climbed down the stairs, quietly and gently not wanting to wake her husband and not wanting to trip.

She threw on a light jacket as the nights were cold and walked out the door.

She scanned her back patio and found it empty. Sitting down on the porch swing she called out into the darkness.

"It's ok Edward, you can come out, I knew you were here."

Just as she expected. He appeared before her, however instead of the once golden eyes she was used to, red blood rubies stared back at her.

"Well, I see some things have changed." She commented not disturbed in the least.

"Belle," Edward said as he took her in.

"Stop staring. It's rude." Belle snapped at him.

Edward was taken aback by her forwardness. He went to say something, but Belle cut him off.

"Edward, you have been out of my life for ten years. Why are you stalking me?"

"Im sorry love – "

"I am not your love. I am a married woman. You need to respect that and please sit down. Looking up at you is hurting my neck." Belle motioned.

Once again, Edward was taken aback. What happened to the quiet girl he once knew?

"Edward," Belle said softly. " I didn't intend to yell at you. I just wanted to say hello and see why you were here. Now will you please answer my question?"

Edward sighed as he sat down. He swallowed hard at her scent. It was stronger than before. However, the human diet helped him resist a little more than he would have if he had been on the animals.

"I ...I just wanted to see you. to see if- "

"To see if I still loved you?" Belle finished for him.

Edward nodded ashamed.

"Well, Edward.... I don't know what you expected. I did exactly as you told me. I moved on. My life has been as if you never existed. I was depressed for a little while, but I was woken up when my mom and Phil died. Victoria killed them. Just in case you didn't know that. Some very powerful friends of mine killed Victoria. And no, I won't tell you who. It's not my story to tell. Anyway, after my mom died, I pulled my head out of my rear and moved on with my life. I spent time with my family and my friends. I graduated high school and went to college. It's where I met my husband. Look, Edward, you got what you wanted. Me living a full human, and happy life. As much as it hurt me, im glad you all left and to be honest, I don't want to see you again."

"but Belle-"

"I believe she said she didn't want to see you, Edward. You should take a hint." A cold voice said in the darkness.

Edward stood up as Rosalie crept out of the darkness.

"Hello, Belle. You look good. Im glad to see you happy. It makes the consequences worth it."

"Hello, Rosalie. Will the Volturi stay away from me?" Belle asked.

Edward and Rosalie looked on in surprise.

"How did you know?" Edward asked.

Belle shrugged.

"there's only one reason I can think of as to why you both have red eyes. You wouldn't give up your diet willingly. Now are you guys done here? I want to go back to bed."

"of course, Belle. We're sorry, we disturbed you. and im glad your human, it suits you." Rosalie complimented.

With that said, she tried to drag Edward away, but he planted his feet.

"Belle... I just have to you still love me? Are you truly happy? I could take you – "

"Don't even finish that sentence, Edward. I am happy with the life I chose. That's all you need to know. Now get off my property and don't ever show your face."

This time, Edward allowed Rosalie to drag him away.


When Belle got back in bed, her husband wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck.

"Mmmm, are the demons gone?" he asked sleepily.

"Yeah. Thanks for understanding babe."

"Just as long as they stay away this time. No more demons in me backyard. Or I will be a force to be reckoned with."

Belle laughed.

"of course, you will."

Her husband pulled her closer and Belle relaxed in his arms.

She had no regrets.

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