Guess What?

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Lily's POV

The girls and I decided to have a girls day. It had been a while since we'd all caught up with each other's lives. Emily was kicking all of the wolves out of the house for the day and we were meeting there. I'd made some brownies for the girls. I was looking forward to today because I had a secret that I'd been wanting to tell the girls for a few weeks now but I hadn't been able to because none of our schedules would ever match up. I loaded everything up in my car and headed down to Emily's.

I couldn't wait to tell the girls. About a month ago, I found out that I'd been imprinted on. I mean it wasn't new but my wolf figured out that at the time we both just needed a friend. And since we were already friends he didn't think that I needed to know about the imprint. It had completely blown my mind when he showed up at the café when I was closing up and said that we needed to talk. We'd ended up sitting in my living room, when he'd told me about the imprint. I couldn't believe it. But while he was talking I realized that somewhere my feelings for him had gone from friendship to love. He'd told me that when he first imprinted he felt that neither one us were ready for a relationship and that was why he hadn't said anything. That night was the first time that I'd kissed my wolf.

When I pulled into Emily's driveway, I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. I grabbed the container of brownies off the passenger's seat and made my way inside. "Oh good. You brought brownies. I was hoping you would." Emily said. "I almost grabbed some last night when I closed up but I got side tracked." She told me and I smiled.

"Yeah I made them last night while I was going over some new ideas." I said as I set the bowl down on the counter." I told her.

She looked at me for a moment. "There's something different." She said.

I stared at her for a moment. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Before she could answer, Kim, Leah and Rachel walked in. "I don't know. You seem happier, I guess." Emily said.

"I've noticed it too." Kim said. "You were humming in the Café the other day."

Emily, Kim, Rachel and I all worked together so at any given time there were always two of us at The Imprint Café that we ran on the Rez. Leah didn't work there but she was often seen there. Leah looked at me for a minute. I was hoping that she wouldn't scent out my wolf but I knew that it was a possibility. "Well, I do have some news." I said as I reached for one of the brownies.

"Well what is it?" Rachel asked.

"I've been seeing someone." I told them.

"It's about time. Your lack of a love life was beginning to depress me." Leah said.

I couldn't help but laugh. If only you knew. "Who is it?" Em asked.

"Why don't we play a game and you can figure it out?" I said. They all groaned. "Come on it'll be fun." I said.

"Fine." They said in unison.

"Is it a bloodsucker?" Leah asked. I shook my head.

"A human?" Kim asked. Again I shook my head.

"It's a wolf?" Rachel asked.

I nodded. "Hmm...that limits the prospects greatly." Em said looking at the others. "Let's start with the imprinted couples. There's me and Sam. Jared and Kim. Paul and Rachel. Quil and Claire. Leah and Jacob. So that leaves Embry, Seth, Brady and Colin." Em said.

"You're getting warmer." I said, slightly laughing.

"Do the boys know?" Leah asked.

"Yeah. He couldn't hide it from them." I said.

"And what am I chopped liver?" Leah asked.

"Hey. You're the one that wanted to quit phasing so you and Jake could have a baby." I told her.

She shrugged. "That's true." She said.

"Well I don't think that it's Brady or Colin. Their too young." Em said.

"Your right. It's neither of them." I said.

"So that leaves Embry and Seth." Kim said.

All of a sudden Leah started laughing. We all turned and looked at her. "What's so funny?" I asked her.

When she stopped laughing, she turned to us. "I don't know how I didn't see it sooner." She said. Rachel, Emily and Kim looked confused.

"Did you figure it out?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah. But my question is how did the two of you hide the imprint for so long?" She said.

"Who is it?" Kim asked.

Leah looked at her and smiled. "My brother." She said.

They all turned and looked at me with their mouths hanging open. "Seth imprinted on you?" Em asked.

"Yeah. And Leah, it's actually a funny story. Seth told me that when he first imprinted, he could sense that neither of us was ready for a relationship and since we were already friends there was no point in mentioning the imprint. About a month ago, he showed up at the café when I was closing up. When I was finished we headed to my apartment and talked. He told me that he had sensed that something had changed. We both realized that somewhere through everything that we'd fallin for each other." I told them.

Leah walked over and hugged me. "I couldn't ask for better for my brother. Does Mom know?" She asked.

"He's telling her and Charlie today." I told her.

"That should be interesting." Leah said.

That was when it hit me. Technically Seth and I were step brother and sister. "Oh my god! Your right." I said.

Later that night when I walked into my apartment, I smiled at the sight before me. Seth was sitting on my couch playing a video game. He paused his game when I walked in. I walked over and sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward and kissed him. "Hmm...I missed you." I said when I pulled back.

"I missed you too. You have no idea how much I missed you." He said.

I could see the lust and the love in his eyes. "Hmm...why don't you show me just how much you missed me." I whispered.

Seth got a big grin on his face. He stood up from the couch and threw me over his shoulder causing me to squeal as he carried me to my bedroom.

Yep life couldn't get any better!

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