I Love You Part 3

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Alice POV

I couldn't believe it. The Volturi were coming and they were planning on killing all of us. All because of mine and Jake's imprint. Jake and I had spent the last hundred years preparing for this moment. Every new wolf that phased trained with the family so that they would be better prepared. It was something that we'd started when Jake first imprinted on me. Carlisle had reached out to not only the Denali coven but some of his friends as well. Part of me wished that Lacey was here. She'd always been good at seeing the bigger picture when it came to Vampires.

Edward had eventually found his mate in Tanya. I'd known it all those years ago but he'd never wanted to believe me. I knew deep down that he would never truly love Tanya the way that he did Lacey, but he had to let Lacey go.

It had started snowing and that's when everyone started to worry. The Volturi were coming all because they'd gotten word about mine and Jake's imprint. Lacey had been right all those years ago about it being a vampire threat, I just never thought that it would be the Volturi.

The day had finally come and I was gathering everyone to head to the meadow where we would be meeting the Volturi at. I just hoped that Aro would listen to reason. He had no reason to be threatened by us, but deep down I knew that it wouldn't matter. I was pulled from my thoughts by Jake nudging me with his nose. I gave him a weak smile.

Carlisle walked over to where we were standing and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be alright." He said.

"We'll be the judge of that." I heard from across the meadow. Aro.

"Aro, don't do this. No laws have been broken." Carlisle said.

"But this so called mating bond that Alice has developed with the werewolf, is an abomination." Aro said.

"Aro please, I'm begging you. We don't tell their secrets and they don't tell ours. We've lived in peace for over a century." I told him.

Aro crossed his arms and put a finger under his chin. "Show me." Aro said.

I looked at Jake and nodded. He laid down next to Carlisle. I slowly walked over to where Aro was standing. He held his hand out and I placed my hand in his. He saw everything. Jake imprinting on me. Edward abandoning Lacey. Lacey and Paul. Our coven and the wolves laughing. I showed him everything from the last hundred years.

"Interesting." Aro said.

"What is it, brother?" Marcus asked him.

"The wolves aren't a threat. If anything, their our equals. They help protect this coven." Aro told the other Kings. "Alice would you and your wolf consider joining me?"

I shook my head. "Aro, we can't. Jake is the alpha of the pack. He will always be the alpha of the pack. His place is here and my place is next to him." I told Aro.

He sighed. "Very well." Aro said. "But remember..."

"I know Aro." I said, knowing that he was going to tell me that we'd always have a place among the guard.

I walked back to Jake and we watched the Volturi leave. Once they were gone, we went our separate ways. The family headed back to the house while the pack headed back to La Push. Jake and I had somewhere to go. I climbed on Jake's back and let him carry me. He made his way to our destination. I climbed down. I walked over to the headstone and sat down in front of it. "Well, it's done, Lacey. You were right. It was a vampire threat. It was the Volturi. They thought that my relationship with Jake was an abomination. However, I showed Aro that for the 100 years the family and the wolves have lived in peace. I hope that you found peace." I said.

Jake came over and curled up around me. "Jake sends his love." I whispered, looking up to the sky.

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