Where Were You?

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Lily's POV

Edward wasn't happy with me. But I wasn't happy with him either. The wedding was in 3 days and Alice was trying to help me get my shoes broken in. I kept hoping to try and convince her to let me go barefoot. Edward had sent Jake an invitation to the wedding. I want to believe that Edward had good intentions by doing it but part of me isn't so sure. According to Billy and the others, as soon he saw the invitation he ran out of the house phasing almost instantly. Embry told me that at one point he'd gone all-wolf and nobody could reach him.

I guess that's part of what led me to first beach right now. Knowing that Jake is hurting and that I'm the cause of it. I knew that Jake was hurting and I hated that I couldn't love him more than I loved Edward. Or could I? Sitting here and looking at the ocean, I felt that being in La Push felt right.

I had a million thoughts running through my head and they all surrounded Jake. I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely heard my phone ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it knowing that it could only be two people. "What do you want Edward? I told you that I just needed some time to myself." I said quietly, my anger dissipating.

"I called to say that its okay." He said calmly.

Now I was confused. Had Alice seen something? "What did Alice see?" I asked.

He let out a sigh. "Not so much as what she saw as to what she felt when she saw it." Edward said. "Lily, I know that you said that you loved me more than Jacob... but I think it was because you were so focused on wanting to become a vampire that you didn't let yourself really think about your feelings for him. I think that you owe it to yourself to at least see what could be... whether it's Jacob or it's someone else. I love you Lily and I know that you love me but... I think your settling because of Italy." Edward said.

I let out a sigh, finally realizing that he was right. "You know, when Alice got me to come to Italy with her to save you, I just kept replaying the words that you'd said to me that day in the woods when you left. And on some level, you were right. I didn't think that I could live in a world where you didn't want me. I was heartbroken. I didn't understand it then but I do now. Somewhere between you leaving and Italy, I realized that you couldn't be my whole world anymore." I said.

"Goodbye Lily." Edward said before he hung up.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket, before I stood up and dusted my shorts off. I started walking back towards Billy's house where I'd parked my truck. Charlie was sitting in the living room with Billy watching some game on TV. "Umm...the wedding is off." I said casually.

They both turned and looked at me. "What happened, Lils?" Charlie asked me.

"Well, Edward and I both just realized that we weren't meant to be." I said. They both nodded. "Billy is it alright with you if I stay here until Jake returns." I said.

Billy and Charlie both looked at each other and shrugged before they looked back at me. "I don't mind. But...Lily we don't know when he'll be back. Or if." Billy said.

I couldn't help but smile at him. "He'll be back. I just know it." I said before making my way to Jake's room. I closed the door behind me. I walked over to his bed and laid down, inhaling his scent that is purely Jake. For the first in a while I fell asleep instantly.

For the next three days, I spent my time cleaning Billy's house, as well as cooking. Sometimes I would go over to Emily's and help her cook as well. I spent time with the pack and then I'd go back to Billy's and curl up in Jake's bed sniffing his pillow, wishing that I was curled up on his chest instead.

On the fourth day, I woke up feeling extra warm. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe it. Jake was sitting right in front of me. "Jake." I whispered, knowing that he'd heard me perfectly.

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