He Didn't Want Me Part 2

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Nova's POV

Carlisle and I had been back from Volterra for a few days and we were waiting for Alice and Jasper to return from Alaska. I knew that Alice had probably seen where we'd been but she was respecting our privacy and not telling the rest of the family that we'd gotten married and that I'd been changed. She'd sent me a text telling me congrats. I'd shown it to Carlisle and he just laughed.

I'd wanted to see Paul and Rachel but Carlisle thought that it would be a good idea for us to wait a little while, so we'd facetime'd instead. Paul was amazed at how much I seemed like me. I couldn't help but laugh. We made plans for the pack to come see us in a few weeks, knowing that I'd have adjusted to the animal diet by then and my eyes would begin to shift color.

After a few weeks, Carlisle called Sam and invited the pack minus the imprints over to the house. The plan was to see how I'd do with the pack before I was allowed to be around the imprints. Emily, Kim and Rachel were my best girls. I didn't want to make them uncomfortable or put them in danger. I was nervous about the pack coming so I spent the night before making a bunch of food for the pack.

The next day, I was a bundle of nerves. I wasn't sure how the pack was going to feel about me. I spent the morning cleaning. Carlisle tried to get me to relax but I couldn't. For the longest time the pack was my only family. Their opinion mattered to me a lot. I was in the process of cleaning the kitchen when I heard the doorbell. "Paul." I heard Carlisle said. "Come in."

I heard Carlisle lead the pack to the living room. I took a deep breath before I slowly made my way to the living room. When I got to the living room, Paul was the first person I saw. "Paulie." I said.

Paul turned around from his spot next to Carlisle and looked at me. "Nova." He said. "You look like you."

Carlisle and I laughed. "I told you that I would." I said.

Paul took a couple of steps toward me and sniffed. "Well you definitely smell like a vampire now." Paul said with a smirk.

"Yeah well you smell like a wet dog, so what?" I asked. Everyone started laughing.

Paul took a couple more steps toward me and slowly hugged me. "It's good to have you back Nova. I missed you." Paul said.

"Missed you too Paul." I said hugging him back.

I walked over to where Sam and Jake were standing. "Sam, Jake." I said calmly.

"How are you feeling Nova?" Sam asked me.

I smiled at him. "I'm good. Carlisle says that I'm adjusting to the animal diet well." I told Sam.

"How do you feel when you see us?" Sam asked me.

"I feel like I always have. You guys are my family." I told him.

Sam pulled me into a hug. "We'll always be your family." Sam said. "You couldn't get rid of us even if you tried." Sam told me.

I smiled at him. "Thanks Sam." I said before I turned to Jake.

"Well?" I asked him.

Jake looked deep in thought for a moment. After several minutes he said, "You look like you but you don't." Jake said.

"I am, me...Jake." I said.

"No you're not. The you that was once my best friend is dead." Jake said. If I could have cried I would have.

"Jake, you should go." Carlisle and Paul said at the same time.

Jake turned to Sam. "You're really going to support this?" Jake asked Sam.

"It's her choice and it's no different than imprinting. They haven't violated the treaty as far as I'm concerned." Sam said.

"This is ridiculous." Jake said before he stormed out the front door.

I walked over to Carlisle and he wrapped his arms around me. "He'll come around eventually." Carlisle said.

I shook my head. "No I don't think that he will." I said.

Once again Jacob had broken my heart. He'd written me off as a friend and I had a feeling that it was for good this time. Jake had Angela and that was all that he seemed to care about other making my life miserable.

It didn't matter though, I had Carlisle and the rest of the pack by my side.

Things got better though. I was finally able to spend with the girls. They'd been a little nervous at first but Sam assured them that I was perfectly in control of my "inner beast". Jake and Angela kept their distance. Paul told me that Jake refused to let Angela anywhere near me cause he didn't want me to hurt her. Paul laughed. He said that Jake was being stupid.

Alice and Jasper had taken me hunting a few times but most of the time I went with Carlisle. Sometimes Paul would go with us just cause he wanted to see me in action.

Emmett and Rosalie paid us a visit. She apologized for being so hard on me. Emmett was happy to see me, claiming that he'd missed me. Jasper had convinced me to challenge him to an arm wrestling match which I'd won.

Edward and Tanya had sent us a gift with a note saying congratulations. It didn't hurt so much to think about Edward anymore, I mean he was essentially my stepson now so that made it a little bit weird.

After about a decade, Esme came to visit us. She'd found her mate in Carlisle's good friend Alistair. We were so happy for her and she shared the same sentiment about us. She was happy that Carlisle had found someone that made him happy. I was glad that she didn't hate me for being with Carlisle.

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