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Nina's POV

After Edward left me, it didn't take long for other vampires to find out about this. A nomad had been passing through and just like Edward and Jasper they could resist the smell of my blood. However, instead of killing me they changed me. When I woke up after the transformation, I ran to the border when Sam met me. I told him what happened and that I wasn't going to cause problems. I told him that I was leaving Forks, I just needed somebody to look after Charlie and Jacob for me. He agreed. He told me that once I had my thirst under control if I wanted to come back we could work out a treaty like they'd had with the Cullens. I told him that it wouldn't be a problem because I wasn't coming back. At least not anytime soon. He nodded.

When I left Forks, I thought about where I would go. Then I remembered Edward telling me about the Volturi. I just hoped that they would accept me. I made my way to Volterra, Italy. When I found my way to the castle, the was a girl standing outside the castle wearing a cloak with her hood up. "Excuse me?" I said.

She looked up at me and I saw that her eyes were red. She seemed tense until she saw my eyes then she relaxed a bit. "Can I help you?" She asked me.

"I need to see the kings." I said quietly.

She nodded and opened the door behind her. "Follow me." She said. I followed her through a hallway to a set of double doors. "I'm Jane by the way." She said.

"I'm Nina." I said before she opened the doors.

We walked through the doors into what looked like to be a throne room. She walked towards the thrones with me right behind her and bowed at the three men sitting there. "Young Jane. What do we have here?" The one in front said.

"Master Aro, this is Nina. She's asked to see you." Jane said.

He looked up at me and nodded. "Very well." He said, standing up and walking toward me. He held his hand out to me. "I can read every thought you've had just by touching your hand." Aro said. I gave him my hand. After a few seconds he let go. "Interesting. It seems we have a shield, brothers." Aro said. Aro looked in thought for a moment. "Tell me, what's your story?" Aro asked. I told Aro about meeting the Cullens, the time I spent with them and then my birthday... Edward leaving along with the rest of them. I told him about the nomad that passed through that couldn't resist the smell of my blood. "Interesting. I think that you could be very powerful my dear. Any chance you would consider joining my guard?" Aro asked me.

I slowly nodded. "I would be honored, Master Aro." I said, smiling at him.

Jasper's POV

It's been months since we left Forks. Carlisle and Esme are living in New York. Emmett and Rosalie are currently traveling and Alice has left to be with Edward in South America. That took me by surprise. Alice claimed that she'd seen a vision and that it had spooked both her and Edward. Me nearly attacking Nina at her birthday wasn't the cause of us leaving like Edward had originally said. It was the fact that Alice had a vision that I was supposed to meet Nina before he did. Nina was my true mate...not Alice. The two of them had done everything in their power to keep me from her. I was currently on my way to see Carlisle to ask him what he thought that I should do.

When I arrived at the family compound in New York, Esme was thrilled to see me. She called Carlisle immediately and he made arrangements to come home. I think that he was shocked to see me alone. "Where's Alice?" He asked me.

"She's left me. Her and Edward had been keeping a secret. Alice had a vision the day that Nina started at Forks high. I was supposed to meet her first. Nina is my true mate, not Alice. Alice was so afraid of losing me that she and Edward planned it for Edward to distract her so that I wouldn't figure it out." I told them.

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