The Truth Version 2

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I can't believe that I got roped into this. Honestly, he should be the one doing this. I mean after all he's the one that imprinted on her. But for some reason the entire pack thinks that it would be better coming from me...why? I guess it's because I'm a girl. It's weird to think that I actually have a friend outside of the pack. Especially since I have a hard time trusting people ever since Sam imprinted on Emily. But then Dad died and Mia came along with a freezer full of food to make it easier on Mom. Seth was ecstatic. I think it was mainly because he was tired of eating the same thing all the time. That was the day Mia and I because friends. We somehow bonded over our lack of love life. Mom was happy that I had a friend and Charlie was happy that Mia wasn't around the guys all the time.

He tried to hide his thoughts especially when he was phased with me because he knew that I was friends with Mia. It wasn't until we were phased one day that I caught him thinking about the day that Mia had slapped Paul that I began to question him. I wished I had been there for that. I'd even asked Mia about it. She told me that ever since that day, Paul had shown her a lot of respect. They became close friends, especially after Jake imprinted. On me no less. Mia and I were both afraid that it was going to affect our friendship as well as her friendship with Jake. But somehow my wolf knew that he no longer held any romantic feelings towards her. But now...part of me is wondering if subconsciously our wolves knew that she'd been imprinted on by another.

Mia was coming over today. Mom had asked her to make some desserts for the bonfire later. That was another reason that he'd asked me to tell her today. He wanted to see her reaction when she saw him later today. I'm just hoping that she takes it well. I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear her truck pull in the driveway. I walked out to help her bring the desserts in. "Hey Mia." I said, greeting her.

"Hey Lee. So I made a couple extra things other than what your mom wanted." She said.

"Cool. I'm sure everyone will be appreciative." I said. Mainly him. He loved Mia's cooking.

"So is it just you and I until tonight?" She asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I need to talk to you though." I said as we sat everything on the counter in the kitchen.

"You look worried Lee, what is it?" She asked.

Okay. Here it goes. "Okay, so you know about imprinting right?" I asked her.

"Yes Lee. I know about imprinting. Remember we had this talk when you and Jake imprinted on each other. The first double imprint." She said.

Don't remind me. "Well what if I told you that one of the guys imprinted on you a while back but he's been keeping it to himself." I said. I looked up at Mia and she had this big smile on her face. "What?"

"I already know." Mia said.

Huh? "What? What do you mean you already know?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah. It really didn't take that much for me to figure it out."

"But how?" I asked.

"Lee, Jared is at my house 3 days a week just because he likes my cooking. It's not rocket science." Well that makes sense. "That and the fact that about a month ago, Paul came over because the washing machine was messing up and he offered to looked at. Well he asked me if Jared had been over and when I nodded he told me that Jared's scent was stronger than any other wolf." Mia told me.

I just shook my head. Idiot was worried for nothing. "Okay, so if you know about the imprint, then why haven't you said anything to him." I said.

She shrugged. "I figured he didn't want me to know yet. I figured he'd tell me when he was ready." She said.

That was fair. "So what are you gonna do? Cause he wanted me to tell you about the imprint today and see where your head is at." I said.

"Don't worry Lee...I've got it all under control." Mia said with a wicked grin.

"Uh oh."

Later that evening, Mia and I were setting up the desserts on the table at the beach when Jared and Jake walked over. Jake wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the side of my head. I turned to watch Jared and Mia. "Most of these are my favorite desserts." Jared said to Mia.

"I know." She said, smiling at him. The thing that surprised everyone when she leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him. When she pulled back he looked shocked. "You're an idiot you know that." She said.

Confusion written on his face, "What?" He asked.

"Did you really think that I hadn't figured out that you imprinted on me?" She asked. "You eat dinner at my house multiple times a week. Your there for breakfast on the weekends. Paul noticed that your scent is stronger than any other wolf. Did you think that I wouldn't pick up on it?" Mia asked, with a smirk.

"I wasn't sure how you'd react." He said.

"Well how was that for my reaction?"

Jared grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her to him. "Perfect." He said kissing her forehead.

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