You Left This World Without Me

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The coven had gone away to take care of an urgent matter, the existence of an immortal child. I expected I would go as well, but Aro had forbidden it. "You are still human," he had said, his hands holding my upper arms. "It's too dangerous."

I protested. "Caius is taking Athenodora. I just want to stand with you, my love."

He raised my hand to kiss my palm. "She is a vampire. No," he said quietly, so quietly, i barely heard him. "I will not put you in danger."

I knew of Carlisle, a long time friend to my mate. They had not seen each other in many decades, and now were about to have a confrontation over the supposed child of Carlisle's son, Edward and his mate, Bella. Why it had to come down to this, I just couldn't understand, even after Aro had explained the nature and history of immortal children.

"Aro, my heart, you would not fight your best friend of many decades like this. Can't you discuss it with him first. Find out the truth before running off to kill them."

Aro had other ideas he would not share with me, I felt that in my heart. It upset me, and the moment he touched my hand, he knew it. He tried to placate me by explaining the importance of preventing immortal children from being created.

"And if this immortal child were not related to Carlisle?" I felt there was something behind Aro's spoken intentions.

Aro glared at me, so I knew I'd touched a nerve. His anger lasted only a moment, when he gathered me into his arms and nuzzled my neck. "You still like to bait me, don't you, cara. This incident concerns Carlisle and vampire law. The Volturi must maintain order by enforcing the law."

"Aro, what has that to do with me going with you?"

"Dear one, to enforce the law, we may have to fight. I won't have you in harm's way. Stay here and wait for us to return. The human staff will be with you if you need anything."

I felt a cold shudder run through my body, reminding me of the old saying "someone is walking on my grave". But I feared it wasn't my grave being walked on.

I hugged my mate tightly, and begged him not to go, causing him to laugh low and kiss me several times to reassure me. "Please, Aro, don't go, stay here with me."

He pulled back, brushing away my human tears, then smiling at me. "How would it look if we didn't go, my dear. It is our duty to investigate every facet of the truth. If the Cullens are innocent, we will leave them in peace. We'll be home soon once that has been determined. I promise you."

I looked into his face, with the pale skin and red eyes. He was beautiful in my own estimation. I would brush his hair at night before I went to bed. I enjoyed touching it and he readily indulged me. I would kiss the back of his neck and hug him from behind. I was to have been changed a week ago, but this issue with the Cullens interfered with that. Aro swore as soon as he returned, he would set a new date and give me my awaited gift...immortality and the life eternal with him.

"I'll hold you to that promise. mister," I warned him.

He took me in his arms and kissed me in that way I knew kissing wasn't all he sought from me. If this was to be our last night together, I wanted him in every way possible. He tried to soothe my fears with more kisses and touches. He loved me as he always had and always would. As I lay in his arms, sated from our love-making, I had to wonder, why was I so apprehensive?


The next morning, the entire Guard was attired in their little-worn battle dress. I bid Marcus and Caius good bye, and ordered them to be careful. I then hugged my sister Athenodora, wishing she was staying behind with me. But Caius wanted her with him while my mate didn't want me at his side.

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