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I never really thought about death much until I was faced with it. I remember the day that I technically died.

We'd been in Phoenix running from James who was tracking me. Edward and some of the others had lost him near Forks and he'd somehow tracked me to Phoenix and lured me to my old dance studio.

When James bit me, my entire body felt like it was on fire. I knew what it was though. It was James' venom. I remember the Cullen's running in and pulling James off of me but I had to make them stop. James had done the one thing that I knew Edward couldn't do...change me.

I wasn't sure how the transformation took but I remember when I woke up, I felt entirely different. The hardest thing though was that I no longer felt anything for Edward. The feelings that I once had for him were no longer there. In their place, I suddenly felt like I needed to be by James' side with Victoria and Laurent. I quickly jumped up and ran to protect him. Fortunately I was just in time because Alice was about to pull his head off.

"Belle! What are you doing?" Edward asked me.

"I have to protect him!" I growled.

"Why?" Edward asked me.

I turned and growled and him and Alice. "HE did the one thing that I knew that you couldn't do. HE changed me. You wanted me for a pet. You don't care about me!" I said starting to yell at them.

"That's not true, Belle. You know that I love you." Edward said.

"You just wanted me for my blood. I'm nothing but a singer to you. You just wanted me for my blood." Alice tightened her grip on James' neck. "Let him go Alice or I will destroy you." I said.

Alice looked at Edward and he nodded. Alice let go of James. James walked over to me. "We have to go. Victoria is waiting." James said. I nodded.

James and I walked out of the ballet studio. He turned and looked at me. "We're meeting Victoria in Seattle. You ready?" James asked me.

I sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said.

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