The Truth Version 1

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Mia's POV

Getting to know everyone in the pack has been fun and they've definitely helped me heal since my zombie phase, but I think that my biggest supporter has been Leah. What surprised me the most was the fact that she knew exactly how I was feeling. Leah and I had started spending some time together after her dad died. Charlie had convinced me to cook some meals for them that would be easy for them to heat up after Harry died, knowing that Sue was in no condition to cook. I'd made enough to stock up their freezer and had taken them down there and Leah had been the one to open the door. As we put the food into the freezer, I had given Leah my condolences about her dad and she had told me that she was sorry about Edward. That day had been the start of a new friendship for Leah and I. That night, Leah and I had gone to the beach and she'd told me about her relationship with Sam. It surprised me that our breakups had been quite similar. A week later, she phased for the first time. When she'd phased back human she'd called me in tears.

That had been months ago. Since then, Leah and I usually had one day a week that we spent together for girl time. She felt that she really couldn't be around Emily and Kim because they were imprints and she wasn't. I guess that was another reason why Leah and I got along so well... she wasn't an imprint and neither was I. Emily had given me the nickname "honorary wolf girl". I could understand why Leah didn't want to be around Emily. I mean, I would probably feel the same if Edward brought his new girlfriend around me. Fortunately that wasn't happening.

When I pulled into the Clearwater's driveway, Leah was waiting on the front porch for me. I climbed out of my truck and walked over to her. "Hey you okay?" I asked her.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah. I was just thinking about some things. Pizza will be here in 30 minutes." Leah said.

"Cool. I made you some of my brownies that you like." I told her handing her the container that I'd brought with me.

"Thanks. Let's go in." Leah said standing up. We walked into the house. "Mom's at work and Seth is patrolling. Sam promised to keep the pack away from here today." She said.

"Any particular reason?" I asked. She looked at me for a second before I continued. "What I mean is...other than the super hearing is there a reason that Sam's is keeping them away." I clarified.

She nodded. "Yeah. I told Sam that I needed to talk to you today and I would appreciate it if nobody was eavesdropping." Leah said.

I could tell that something was going on because Leah seemed nervous. I grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch. "Hey...what's going on? It's been a while since I've seen you this worked up." I said.

Leah let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm just...I need to tell you something and I'm not exactly sure how you're going to react." Leah said. "I uh...well I have a confession. I uh, I imprinted, Mia." She said.

I felt part of my heart sink. Leah had become my best friend and in some ways my other half. "That's great Leah." I said a little disappointed. "Who is it?" I asked her.

Leah reached over and grabbed my hand. "I imprinted on you." She said.

"When?" I asked her.

Leah sighed. "The day you brought over all the food after Dad died." Leah said.

I pulled my hand back. "Is that why you've been spending so much time with me? Because of the imprint?" I asked her. I suddenly felt like I had been used.

"What? No. Mia, no." Leah said. "When the imprint first happened, I wasn't exactly sure what it was. Then we started talking and I realized that we had so much in common. It wasn't until I was phased one day with Sam that I realized that I had imprinted. By that time, I realized that I had feelings for you and that I was falling in love with you." Leah said. I stood up from the couch and started pacing around Leah's living room. I had so many thoughts running through my head. Everything that I had been feeling for Leah over the past couples of months...was it real or was it the imprint. I knew what I felt for Leah but at the same time I felt conflicted. " to me. What's going through your head right now?" Leah said.

"Lee, I've had feelings for you for a long time. Probably since I met you. But I never acted on them because I didn't think that you felt the same way and now you're telling me that you imprinted on me and you feel the same way?" I said.

Leah nodded before she stood and crossed the room. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her. I wrapped my arms around Leah's neck while she wrapped arms around my waist. I looked up at her and kissed her. "I love you Leah." I said.

"And I love you...I always have."

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