The Imprint

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Before the Newborn battle I had been so sure of where my future was. At least until I'd seen Seth get thrown into a boulder on that mountain top. It didn't take long for me to remember the legend of the third wife that Billy had told when I'd gone to the bonfire with Jake. I looked around at the snow covered ground and found a sharp rock. With another look around, I noticed that Victoria and Riley were close to killing both Edward and Seth. I quickly took the rock and cut the palm of my hand quickly making my hand bleed. It was enough to distract them. Seth was able to tear Riley to pieces while Edward ripped Victoria apart. It was finally over. As Edward grabbed the body parts, I dropped to the ground finally letting relief wash over me. After Seth had dragged the last of Riley's body parts to the fire and walked over to me and nudged my hand. I showed it to him and he started licking it. After a few minutes I looked at it and it was starting to heal. Huh? Who knew that the Wolves' saliva had healing abilities.

All of a sudden Seth started whimpering. He turned to looked at Edward. Edward nodded at him. "We have to go. The Volturi are coming." Edward said.

Edward helped me off the ground. Edward quickly picked me up and the three of us ran to the clearly where the battle had taken place. Edward was saying something to Carlisle but I wasn't paying attention because there was a vampire behind Leah and she was about to get hurt. "Leah!" I yelled across the clearing. She was about to tackle the vampire but then Jake jumped in. The vampire had gotten the upper hand and the next thing we know, Jake phased back and he was on the ground in pain. Carlisle and I ran over to where Jake was. "Jake are you okay?" I asked.

Carlisle quickly started assessing his injuries. "His left side is crushed." Carlisle said. Oh Jake. "Take him home. I'll be there as quickly as I can." Sam nodded.

I watched as the pack lifted him up and carried him back towards Billy's house.

Carlisle and I made our way back to the rest of the family to prepare to greet the Volturi's that would be gracing us with their presence. When they arrived Jane had made a snide comment about me still being human, in return I'd smirked at her and told her that the date was set. She scoffed at me before she told Felix that she was ready to go home.

When everything was said and done in the clearing, we made our way back to the Cullen's house. Everyone had made their way inside leaving just Edward and I outside, knowing that I wanted to go check on Jake. "Bella." Edward said calmly. I looked up at him. "I want you to listen." I nodded. "I've decided to join Aro in Volterra. Please don't say anything. Everything will make sense soon. I want you to know that all I ever wanted was for you to be happy." He said.

I nodded in understanding. It was clear. This wasn't like last time. He wasn't telling me that he didn't love me. In his own way he was telling me what I'd subconsciously known up on that mountain. A wolf had imprinted on me. I just didn't know who. "Take care of yourself Edward." I told him before I handed him the engagement ring back and climbed into my truck making my way towards La Push.

When I pulled into Billy's driveway, the entire pack plus Billy and Old Quil were waiting outside. I walked over to Sam. "How is he?" I asked.

Just then we heard yelling coming from inside the house. "Doc's having to rebreak his bones." Jared said.

A few minutes later, Carlisle walked out. I watched as a miracle happened. Billy held his hand out to shake Carlisle's hand. "Thank you." Billy said.

Carlisle nodded, before walking over to me. "He's asking for you." He told me. I looked at Billy and he nodded.

I made my way inside the house towards Jake's room. When I walked in, Jake was pouring in sweat; his body quickly burning off the morphine that Carlisle had given him. "How are you Jake?" I asked him.

"I'm okay considering." He said. "I'm surprised he let you come."

"About that...Jake, there's something I need to tell you." I said, looking at the floor.

"What could be worse than you getting engaged to a vampire and being turned into one?" He asked me.

I was sure that my next statement was going to shock a lot of people... especially within the pack. "How about the fact that today I figured out that I'm imprinted to one of your brothers and no one told me." I said.

Jake laughed a little. "I told him that you'd figure it out. Your too smart not too." He said.

I looked at Jake surprised. "You're not mad?" I asked him.

Jake shook his head. "Nope. I think that the two of you will balance each other out perfectly. I even told him so when I found out." Jake said. "It's all good Minnie."

I couldn't help but smile at my best friend. "Thanks Jake." I said.

He smiled back. "Go get your wolf." He said. I nodded.

I made my way back outside. There were stares all around as I stepped out of the house. I looked to Billy first. I was guessing that the rest of the guys I heard what I'd said to Jake and told Billy and Old Quil. Billy nodded his approval to me. I looked at Sam next. His facial expression towards me was softer than it usually was. The next person in the crowd that I looked for was my wolf. When I finally laid eyes on him, he was looking at the ground. I walked over to him. Even though he was two years younger than me, he was still taller. I stood in front of him. "Take a walk with me?" I asked him and he nodded.

I reached for his hand and we started walking away from Billy's house. I knew exactly where I wanted to take him for our conversation. I took him to the exact spot where everything had started. I stood in the exact spot on First Beach where Jake had first told me the legends. "Do you know where we are?" I asked him when we stopped walking.

"First beach?" He asked, causing me to laugh.

"Yes, but more specifically...a little over a year ago, this is the exact spot where Jake first told me the tribes legends." I told him.

"Here?" He asked and I nodded.

"Seth, why didn't you tell me about the imprint?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Jake kept talking about how happy you were now that Edward had come back. I didn't want to disturb that. The imprint lets me be whatever you need at the time. At the time you needed a friend." Seth said. I nodded. "Minnie, you saved my life today. Had that vampire gotten it's arms around me then I would have ended up like Jake...or worse." Seth told me.

"Oh Seth..." I said as I could feel the tears building. "I have news." I said and he looked at me. "After you guys left with Jake...We headed back to the Cullen's house and Edward ended our engagement." I told him.

He looked at me hopeful. "So?"

"I'm not going anywhere Seth. I accept the imprint." I told him.

He smiled at me before he pulled me into his arms and very tenderly kissed me with every bit of love he had for me.

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